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Always there for you (Netflix): the reason for the argument between Tully and Kate should have been totally different

The plot of the two seasons of Always there for you is based on two novels with which she nevertheless allowed herself to take some liberties!

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We thought they were linked by a solid, indestructible friendship… The series proved that this was not the case: Tully and Kate were not inseparable after all! The proof, the two childhood friends ended up arguing. We discover the reason in the first part of season 2 of Always there for you. Tully is indeed held responsible for the accident in which Marah was injured. When she had to babysit her goddaughter while Kate and Johnny enjoyed a reunion night, Tully finally let Marah out (while being punished by her parents). Instead of wisely going to the movies as planned, Marah found herself at a student party where she found herself in a bad spot, calling on Tully for help. The latter was not long in disembarking except that she had drunk a few glasses of wine at home and, even if she was not at the origin of the accident, this is what was held against her.

A different argument in the book

If this dispute occupies a large part of season 2 of Always there for youin the book on which the series is based, Fly Away, published in 2013, the reason is quite different. In an attempt to mend the conflicted relationship between Kate and her daughter, Tully invites them to appear on her talk show, “The Girlfriend Hour”, as guests. However, unbeknownst to Kate, Tully has also invited a child psychologist. The latter then accuses Kate of being a bad mother. Insulted and embarrassed, Kate goes after Tully on air, which leads to them falling out. A very different reason therefore from that developed in the series.

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The series based on two novels

The novels of Kristin Hannah being the base of the two seasons of Always there for you, the episodes available since April 27 close this series which has fascinated Netflix subscribers. There will be no season 3. Indeed, the novelist has not written a sequel to her two books Firefly Lane et Fly Awayreleased in 2008 and 2013 respectively. This is the end of the incredible and endearing adventures of Tully and Kate.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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