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Amazing or more of the same? What will the cell phone of the future look like?

Hello, welcome and welcome to TeletransPorta, the podcast that takes you into the future, with a look at the present. This is a spin-off of Porta 101, and here we talk about innovation.

I’m Gustavo Minari and today we’re going to chat about the cell phones of the future.

Will we have incredible devices, stuffed with artificial intelligence systems, augmented and virtual realities, and with batteries that last for months away from the socket? Or has the industry already reached its technological peak, leaving innovation and creativity in the background?

To break all the paradigms of the smartphone industry, and shake up the structures of predictions for the future, today I welcome Pedro Cipoli and Adriano Ponte here at Teletransporta.

This is a new format here on the Porta 101 feed. TeletransPorta is presented by Gustavo Minari and focused on innovation. It’s the program that will take you into the future, but with a look at the present.

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Meet the Canaltech Podcast.

Also leave a review on your device that helps us a lot.

This program is a product of Canaltech, with production, script and presentation by Gustavo Minari, editing by Yuri Souza, coordination by Mari Capetinga and revision by Gabriel Rimi. Cover by Rafael Damini. Trail by Guilherme Zomer.

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