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Amazon-Go: competition for German supermarkets? Chain wants to expand

  • Increased test branches: More and more fully automated supermarkets open
  • “AmazonGo” and “Amazon Fresh” already started in the USA and Great Britain
  • The concept is now following Germany?

supermarkets have been trying to modernize for years: there are already more and more cash registers for self-payment. In addition, there are increasing considerations to further facilitate and automate shopping. This concept also follows “AmazonGo”, Amazon’s supermarket. This could soon open a test branch in Germany.

No checkout systems: This is how the Amazon supermarket works

Massive cameras, sensors everywhere and cashless payment: is this the future of shopping? 2018 became the first in the US branch opened to the public by “Amazon GO”. It’s been growing ever since Project slowly but continuously. Two years ago, Amazon expanded into Europe – and started a test store in London. Now the supermarket chain is to continue to grow, as announced by Amazon CEO Andy Jassy.

Opposite of Financial Times announced Jassy big Plans for 2023 to: The goal is to be more successful in the stationary area – i.e. with shops open to the public. The supermarkets in particular are a promising project. “We have experimented a lot and quickly in the past,” says Jassy. Projects with a lot of potential should be strengthened all the more in the future.

With “Amazon GO” and “Amazon Fresh” there are already two supermarket concepts. In the previous experiments, the most modern technologies were used and that “Just walk out” system for use. This means that customers could simply put the products they wanted in their bags. Sensors and ceiling cameras are used to check which goods are involved. Then they leave the store and get the The invoice sent by email. There were no cash register systems in the stores in the branches.

So far, the branches have had rather mediocre success, the big breakthrough is still missing. Nevertheless, the concept is apparently to be expanded further and brought to other countries – possibly also to Germany. However, Andy Jessy did not reveal any concrete plans in this regard.

For further reading: Aldi quickly abolishes new service – what was going on?

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