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Amazon sued, author claims Rings of Power is plagiarism

The US is the land of opportunity and there are plenty of stories where people go to court for one thing or another. Now Amazon has been sued for plagiarism when it comes to Rings of Power.

An author named Demetrious Polychron believes that they are infringing on his copyright from his 2017 book. The book he wrote is called The Fellowship of the King in his book series The War of the Rings. According to his statement, his book is inspired by The Lord of the Rings but is original enough not to be a plagiarism.

Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power, on the other hand, is not original enough to distinguish itself from his work, so now he wants it to go to court to settle. As a plaster on the wounds for Amazon’s piano stomp, he wants 250 million dollars in compensation.

How do you hope this ends?

The book was previously sold on Amazon but is now no longer available, for some reason.
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