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Ambassadors of the European Union will visit Tamaulipas

Ambassadors of the European Union will visit Tamaulipas

Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.- In an unprecedented visit, from next Wednesday until Sunday, fourteen ambassadors of the European Union will be in Tamaulipas, who at the invitation of Governor Américo Villarreal Anaya, will tour the center and south Of the entity.

The purpose is to consolidate business opportunities, learn about cultural and tourist benefits, analyze collaboration possibilities and also verify the progress that Tamaulipas has in terms of security.

Next Wednesday, June 21, is when the ambassadors are scheduled to arrive in Ciudad Victoria, where they will be received by Governor Américo Villarreal Anaya and the president of the Tamaulipas DIF System, María de Villarreal, as well as members of the cabinet, mayors, businessmen and representatives of different organizations.

The activities will continue on Thursday 22, with a series of meetings, whose objective is to strengthen relations between the European Union and Tamaulipas on issues of common interest such as trade, tourism, culture and the environment, as well as presenting the different social programs of the government. state and whose main objective is the well-being of citizens.

For Friday, a visit to the “El Cielo” Biosphere Reserve in Gómez Farías is contemplated and later, their transfer to the southern zone, where they will be shown the logistics platform and the connectivity of the port of Altamira, while Saturday and Sunday they will be in the municipalities of Tampico and Ciudad Madero, to visit tourist sites such as Miramar beach, Carpintero lagoon and the downtown area of ​​Tampico.

In these places, in addition to enjoying the natural beauty and admiring the architectural richness, they will see the areas of opportunity for investment in tourism and will hold meetings with authorities and businessmen.

The visit of the ambassadors of the European Union to Tamaulipas reiterates the trust that is held in the current state administration and strengthens diplomatic and commercial ties.

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