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American visa: These are the most frequently asked questions

get one US visa may be a concern for some people as there is a risk of being denied. And in The Truth News We bring you this information that can help you at the time of your interview.

According to United States Bureau of Consular Affairs, in 2021, 56,240 visa applications were rejected, out of a total of 3,148,323, which represents 11.32 percent. Although this number is low compared to the approvals, some still fear being rejected.

For this reason, to help applicants prepare for their interview with consular officers, the following are some of the most common questions that are asked during the process.

These are the most frequently asked questions when processing your visa

The interviewers seek to find out the intentions of the applicant for the visa

Consular officers try to determine if the applicant intends to live or work illegally in the United Statesso they ask specific questions to find out your reasons for obtaining the visa.

It’s important to put attention on questions may vary depending on applicant’s responsesbut they are generally related to the information provided in the visa application. Being prepared for these questions can help reduce anxiety and increase confidence during the interview.

Between the common questions a consular officer usually asks to foreigners, are:

  • Where in the United States are you traveling?
  • What is the reason for the trip?
  • How long will you be in the United States and when do you plan to return home?
  • Are you traveling with someone?
  • Where do you work, since when and what activities do you carry out?
  • Who pays the travel expenses?
  • Where are you staying?
  • Do you have relatives in the United States?
  • Have you traveled before or been to the United States?

It may interest you: Is it good to hire companies to process the VISA? This is what the consulate says

How to process the appointment for my passport from WhatsApp?

Mexicans can make an appointment for their passport at number 55 89 32 48 27

If you are in Mexico and need process your passportyou can send a message via WhatsApp to the cell number 55 89 32 48 27, and a bot will respond immediately.

It is essential that before starting the process, you make sure that the profile has a verified account tick, which indicates that it is an official account and you will not run the risk of falling into a scam.

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