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Amid protests, HISD board approves greater powers for Superintendent Miles

Amid protests, HISD board approves greater powers for Superintendent Miles

HOUSTON – The Houston School District board of directors approved this Thursday night not only the budget proposed by the new superintendent Mike Miles, but also the initiative to hire non-certified teachers.

The meeting occurred amid protests by parents, who took advantage of the occasion to criticize the recent decision to use library spaces as places where students with discipline problems will be taken.

Those present held banners with strong messages about this decision and interrupted Miles’ intervention during the meeting on several occasions.

Likewise, the board of directors approved giving superintendent Miles greater powers of action, for which he has considered necessary to give the school district greater efficiency, mainly in what has to do with magnet schools, decision-making in finance matters and union meetings.

One of the initiatives is to allow the superintendent to authorize purchases of up to $1 million without the need for board approval. To date, this could only be done in amounts less than $100,000.

Miles stated, in relation to the non-certified teachers that are being sought to be hired, that there are around 87 and that, currently, they have 63 vacancies available.

It will be in force until this Sunday at midnight. Applies to all products worth less than $100.

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