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AMLO agrees with El Salvador for demanding the resignation of INM officials for the death of migrants

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador agreed with the vice chancellor of Diaspora and Human Mobility of El Salvador, Cindy Mariella Portal, to request the resignation of the officials of the National Institute of Migration (INM) for the death of 40 migrants, including seven Salvadorans.

Two weeks after the fire at the immigration station in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, the head of the federal Executive said that the governments of the deceased migrants who demand justice are right since Their job is to protect their citizens.

Once again, from the Treasury Hall of the National Palace, he insisted that there will be no impunity and those responsible will be punished.

“Well, the authorities of The Saviorsuch as the Guatemalan authorities, Colombiaof Venezuela. It is very unfortunate what happened. They have to protect the lives of their fellow citizens, that is the government’s job, and we are in communication with them to help,” he said.

Last weekend, the Salvadoran Vice Minister, Cindy Mariella Portal, express:

“We are demanding that those guilty of this crime be able to pay with jail and we are also demanding the resignation of the people who are responsible for immigration policy in Mexico,” he said.

AMLO omits to answer about Garduño’s permanence in the INM

Francisco Garduño, commissioner of the National Institute of Migration

When questioned about the comments of the authorities of El Salvador, who state that the fire was a state crimeanswered:

“I can only comment that we are not repressors and? We do not violate human rights. There are these unfortunate cases, which hurt us a lot, but the Mexican State does not have the purpose of violating human rights, it is not the main violator of human rights, as was the case before.”

At the insistence of the press on whether Francisco Garduño, head of the National Migration Institute (INM), will continue, López Obrador omitted to comment on the matter.

“I already answered that, we are going to wait for everything that happened to be clarified, unfortunately,” he said.

López Obrador will not present the reform to the INM yet

On reform to the National Institute of Migration (INM), which prepares in conjunction with the father Alejandro Solalindeto give way to the creation of the National Coordination of Immigration and Foreign AffairsPresident López Obrador said he will wait for the times and the investigation processes carried out by the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) regarding the death of 40 migrants in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, in order to present it before the Union Congress.

AMLO with father Alejandro Solalinde

“Only to wait for the Prosecutor’s Office to finish the entire investigation process that is underway. The conclusion that corresponds to the Prosecutor’s Office is still missing, let’s wait and Father Solalinde is helping,” he asserted.

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