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AMLO and Marina deny that Mexico is a producer of fentanyl

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador He indicated that he hopes that during the elections to be held in the United States, Mexico will be used to blame it for the fentanyl problem and for the production of this synthetic opioid.

“How do we know, elections are going to be held in the United States next year and there are always issues on the agenda; As is known, in the previous presidential elections migration was put as a topic of debate and there were many attacks on Mexico… and now we are feeling that they are going to add fentanyl to the agenda,” denounced the chief executive.

He assured that since in the neighboring country to the north they have not been able to face this problem, they want to use it in a tricky way to blame Mexico, and he affirmed that the population of Mexico and the United States must be informed because there is a lot of manipulation.

He said that, together, fentanyl can disappear and this drug can no longer be trafficked, but he assured that the causes that lead the population to consume these substances must be treated, since new narcotics can be created.

“We, of course, who are helping the United States Government so that there is no drug trafficking; however, they want all the blame to fall on our country and we consider it unfair. We don’t deserve that treatment,” the president reproached.

For his part, the Secretary of the Navy, José Rafael Ojeda Durán, rejected that Mexico is a fentanyl-producing country and denied a report by national and international media, which documents that there are laboratories in Sinaloa where the opioid is manufactured. .

The head of the Secretary of the Navy affirmed that confiscation has been achievedr fentanyl pills, but he assured that these seizures have been made in cities of the country and “not in the mountains.”

“The only ones who say that these laboratories are for fentanyl are the journalists… at no time have we (the Ministry of Defense) or we (the Navy) found, in the laboratories there in the mountains, nor laboratories on land a bag that says fentanyl” denounced the secretary of the Navy.

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