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AMLO asks to ‘take care of excesses’ with #EsClaudia; omits illegality

Érika Hernández and Rolando Herrera/ Reform Agency

Thursday, December 29, 2022 | 09:56

CDMX.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked morenistas to take care of excesses and omitted to talk about illegality after it was revealed that deputies from that party placed billboards in the states to promote Claudia Sheinbaum.

“Yes, it is the period of greatest politicization in the history of Mexico in the last 10 years. Whoever aspires and plays dirty or acts in an advantageous way or wants to be clever does not help him, it is reversed, it has a boomerang effect, there is You have to be careful with excesses and you have to learn to limit yourself and respect the people,” said López Obrador.

The promotion of #EsClaudia by federal deputies from Morena may put the presidential candidacy of the CDMX Head of Government at risk, experts warned REFORMA in its edition this Thursday.

The massive deployment of billboards throughout the country -nearly 500 structures according to the Morenistas themselves- paid for by legislators could violate article 134 of the Constitution, which prohibits disseminating propaganda that includes “names, images, voices or symbols that imply personalized promotion of any server public”.

The resources used by officials to promote the presidential aspiration are also questioned, since they must verify that it is not public money.

Likewise, it would violate article 3 of the General Law of Electoral Institutions and Procedures, since they are anticipated campaign acts.

This morning, in a conference at the National Palace, the federal President assured that he will not meddle in the issue of the #EsClaudia billboards and limited himself to saying that the people are very aware and whoever seeks to be clever will not do well.

“I don’t get into that, the only thing I can say is that we have a very politicized people, there is a very conscious people. So those who want to be clever are not doing well, because people are there watching,” he said.

President López Obrador explained that the billboards are a matter for Morena and that he has no special preference for any of the “corcholatas”, since they are all first class.

“The spectacular is a matter of the movement, of the party, ideally it would be that everyone had the same opportunity. I can tell you that I have no preference for any, for me all those who aspire to our movement are first class, they all meet the requirements, they have an exceptional profile, they are not only among the best public servants, political administrators in Mexico, but in the world.

“Politics is a job, a noble job, which not only requires the highest spiritual quality, but also experience. And for that I am very happy, very happy, because those who are there are really first class. It would be unfortunate if Once a transformation process had begun, we had no options to guarantee continuity with change. So, Claudia is very good, Marcelo is very good, Adán is very good,” he added.

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