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AMLO condemns ‘coup attempt’ by conservatives in Brazil

Mexico City.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador condemned the “coup attempt” at the headquarters of the Three Powers in Brazil by supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro.

“Reprehensible and undemocratic the coup attempt by the Brazilian conservatives encouraged by the leadership of the oligarchic power, their spokesmen and fans,” said the Mexican President.

López Obrador affirmed that the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is not alone and that he has the support of Mexico.

“Lula is not alone, he has the support of the progressive forces of his country, Mexico, the American continent and the world,” he added.

This afternoon, hundreds of supporters of Jair Bolsonaro invaded Congress, the Supreme Court and the Presidential Palace of Planalto, seats of power in Brazil, causing extensive damage.

The Brazilian Police confronted with tear gas hundreds of supporters of the far-right former President Jair Bolsonaro who were demonstrating in the Congress located in Brasilia.

The surroundings of the Congress had been cordoned off by the authorities, but the Bolsonaro supporters who refuse to accept Lula’s election removed the security fences and dozens of them climbed the ramp of the building to occupy the roof.

The demonstrators occupied the roof, but also the adjacent gardens, including that of the Planalto Presidential Palace.

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