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AMLO encourages democratization in universities

Antonio Baranda and Claudia Guerrero/Agencia Reforma

Tuesday, January 31, 2023 | 09:46

Mexico City.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that it is necessary to democratize the universities as much as possible.

“Schools must be democratized as much as possible. There must be democracy at home, schools and, of course, in public life. We cannot interfere with the universities, but encourage movements in the universities so that there is democracy, transparency, there is no corruption, cacicazgos, the Rector of the ANUIEs has just been elected, and the most famous did not win, they were not the same as always, changes are taking place and that has to be based on the initiative of the same university students”.

“The Government should not interfere in the life of unions or universities, but if an anti-corruption environment is being lived, where cronyism and nepotism should no longer exist, of course there is a kind of contagion and in all areas, fields of public life are expressing themselves with more and more freedom, that is very good, in Sonora there are very good university students, academics and students, it is a great state,” he said in a conference.

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