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AMLO finished his medical treatment and will resume tours until the following weekend

“I finished my treatment, yesterday they tested me and it came back negative,” says the president, who adds that the doctors’ recommendation is to rest and drink plenty of water.

“My blood pressure dropped because I was dehydrated,” says the man from Tabasco, who adds that in recent days he had fatigue. For this reason, he recommends “a lot” that the population drink a lot of water.

He anticipates that in December he plans to conclude all his large projects and before concluding his term, there will be a 25% increase in welfare pensions. After that he will leave very happy, he assures.

“It is already established in the Constitution, and well, that gives me a lot of satisfaction, a lot of peace of mind, all the welfare programs,” he says from the National Palace.

The politician from Tabasco reiterates “I have a mission to fulfill, and it’s almost there, it’s until September 2024,” he expresses about the final stretch of his six-year term.

In terms of economics, it presumes that the Mexican peso maintains its strength as long as headline inflation is declining. Additionally, the employment figures are encouraging, he says.

The federal president complained that the press and his political opponents have spread various versions about his state of health, taking advantage of the vacuum created during his absence.

“They are very toxic, I regret that they reach such extremes, you cannot wish death on anyone. When someone is in a situation like this, it is because they are very unhappy, very empty, with bad guts, because the most important thing in human beings are the feelings that should prevail regarding the situation of others. That is the essence of humanism, love of neighbor, ”he says when complaining about actors like Carlos Alazraki.

AMLO denies that “the Russians are behind the purchase” of the Boeing D787 Dreamliner aircraft. He recalls that during his campaign in 2018 he was also accused by the press of being financed by that country, a situation that he took humorously at the time, since he released a video from Veracruz in which he called himself “Andresmanuelovich.”

“That gentleman, Lozano, accused that the Russians were financing me,” he says, recalling what was expressed by Javier Lozano, former Secretary of Labor during the six-year term of Felipe Calderón.

AMLO clarified that he did not buy the presidential plane for “little pharaohs”

The Mexican president began the conference by addressing the issue of the luxurious aircraft that was sold to the government of the Republic of Tajikistan

The presidential plane was sold to the Asian government. (Darkroom)

The president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), reappeared at his morning press conference, after his infection with COVID-19, and began by addressing the issue of presidential plane TP01, José María Morelos y Pavón. He said that he did not buy a luxury aircraft for “little pharaohs”after the purchase of the luxury aircraft was closed by the Republic of Tajikistan.

The registration of the presidential plane has already changed from military to civilian and this Friday it will depart from the International Airport of Mexico City to the US, where new modifications will be made, in addition to the change of paint.

Negotiations continue with the buyer so that he also acquires the spare parts that are still in the hands of the Mexican government.

Jorge Mendoza Sánchez, director of Banobras, offers details about the sale of the presidential plane.

Remember that in 2012 the plane itself cost 114.61 million dollars, while the cabin equipment was 79.8 million dollars, with the aim of making it luxurious.

In addition, the expense of 23 million dollars in spare parts was made.

The sale process began in 2019 and by 2023 its commercial value decreased to 92 million dollars.

It is expected that this Friday, April 28, the government of Tajikistan will take the aircraft to its final destination in Central Asia.

The agreed price was 1 thousand 658.7 million pesos, money that has already been delivered to the Mexican government. He emphasizes that Mexico does not have any debt for the aircraft, so all the resources will remain in our country.

He points out that the Institute to Return the Stolen to the People will keep a commission, later it will transfer the money to Banobras, who, in turn, will transfer it to the Ministry of Finance, which will finally deliver the money to Sedena so that it can build two hospitals, one in Oaxaca and another in Guerrero.

He criticizes that some former presidents of Mexico end up as advisors to international companies at the end of their respective terms.

He emphasizes that in Mexico there is no longer political illiteracy and dedicates a reflection to those who end up as “lackeys” of international interests.

Send congratulations to Miguel Díaz-Canel on his re-election to continue governing the people of Cuba.

He reports that Mexico already has 1,200 Cuban medical specialists but no more will be able to arrive.

The federal Executive justifies the disappearance of Insabi despite strong criticism from the conservative bloc. He argues that the purpose is to strengthen the health sector.

“Well, what are we doing? Strengthening ISSSTE to provide a good service to teachers and public servants. We are strengthening Social Security to provide a good service to the beneficiaries, like never before.”

He points out that in the states that have not adhered to the IMSS-Welfare system, it is because they maintain agreements for the purchase of medicines as was done in the old regime.

He accuses the media of “giving him up for dead” and defends the actions of presidential spokesman Jesús Ramírez Cuevas and the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López, whom some columnists accused of “not reporting well” on his state of health in the days you were infected with Covid-19.

He maintains that the functions of the INAI can be absorbed by the Ministry of Public Administration to save that budget.

“How much did we save? One thousand million pesos a year ”, he affirms, once again accusing that it is a golden and expensive bureaucracy.

“We are not going to take a step back, not even to gain momentum. The transformation process continues, and to steal from another party”.

It challenges the opposition senators to maintain the sit-in in the Plenary Session of the Upper House.

“They are going to miss good food, good wines, living a good life at the expense of the treasury,” and he assures that as happened with the FRENA camp in the Zócalo, the legislators will not resist much more than two days.

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