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AMLO foresees economic crisis in 2025… but it will be external

And external AMLO does not mean that Mexico will see it from afar, but that it will come from a rebound. So, whatever, but crisis for 2025, according to the president’s forecasts.

During his morning conference yesterday, May 1President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), pointed out that, Although the country’s economy is strong, it could be impacted by a crisis from abroad. From the United States, specifically.

AMLO talking about the word ‘environment’ // Photo: Cuartoscuro

“We do not rule out that there may be an external economic-financial crisis (…) According to our projections, this economic-financial crisis could occur as of 2025. And of course, we do not want it, knock on wood ”AMLO pointed out.

According to the president, the fact that there will be no crisis this year or next in the United States is due to the fact that, just like in Mexico, there will be presidential elections in 2024… so any economic problem will be contained as possible. But, once the elections are over, then it will be time to stop pretending and the good will come.

“Passing the elections is another matter, whoever wins, they could already -I am not assuring it- adjustments will come”AMLO predicted.

Photo: Special

And if Mexico will also go through elections, won’t the same thing happen? According to AMLO, no. Repeating what he has said in the last few months, The president of Mexico assured that the country’s economy is strong and, just for that reason, a crisis is not expected… at least not one of his own. How what happens in the United States impacts us is something else.

“And even if these phenomena were to occur in the United States, they would affect us due to economic interdependence, because of the economic integration that we have between our economies”.

Photo: Darkroom

According to AMLO, the management of this year’s budget (and next year, 2024) will be with a view to leaving the next government a well-armored economy. Even with some margin so you can make the adjustments you think are necessary.

So, tell people that we are doing well, that we are going to continue promoting productive activities, creating jobs, and what I am proposing: strengthening food self-sufficiency“said the president. “Everything that we can advance in this sense to prepare ourselves for an eventual crisis in the medium term, in the long term.”

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