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AMLO is reported with Covid

Mexico City.– President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported this Sunday that he tested positive for Covid-19, for the third time so far in the pandemic.

“No way, friends and friends: I tested positive for Covid-19. It is not serious. My heart is 100 and since I had to suspend the tour, I am in Mexico City and from afar I celebrate the 16th birthday of Jesús Ernesto.

“I will save myself a few days, Adán Augusto López will lead the morning, see you soon,” the president posted on his social networks.

This Sunday it emerged that López Obrador registered a malaise that prevented him from continuing his tour of Yucatán, according to unofficial versions.

The president had scheduled a meeting with the governor of Yucatan, Mauricio Vila, at military installations, to monitor the progress of the Mayan Train.

“Today, versions emerged that the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, fainted during his visit to Mérida as part of his supervision of the Mayan Train.

“A plane from the Mexican Air Force (FAM) took him around 10 in the morning to Mexico City for medical attention, so he did not have his customary meeting with Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal,” reported El Diario de Yucatan.

Although it was a private meeting, it turned out that the meeting was suspended due to the president’s discomfort.

The presidential spokesman, Jesús Ramírez, denied this version, and said that the president was fine, however, when asked the reasons why the tour was suspended, he no longer responded.

According to the versions in Yucatán, López Obrador was transferred to Mexico City from Military Base 8, based in Mérida.

“From the hotel he felt bad and no longer showed up at the meeting,” said a source close to the meeting.

So far, the Presidency has not revealed the state of health of President López Obrador.

This Sunday his son Jesús Ernesto turns 16 this Sunday.

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