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AMLO recognizes differences between Army and Navy

Claudia Guerrero and Antonio Baranda
Reform Agency

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 | 11:28

Mexico City.– President Andrés Manuel López Obrador acknowledged that there are differences between the Defense and Navy Secretariats, but assured that this does not affect cooperation between the two.

“Of course (there are differences),” he said in a morning conference.

“Experience helps a lot, but it doesn’t (affect) at all, there is cooperation, with the clear rules that are already established: Mexico first, that’s the rule, the safety of Mexicans first because that’s what they chose us for, public safety first, which let’s not have homicides, kidnappings, robberies, feminicides, that our youth not opt ​​for drugs”.

Secret Pentagon documents leaked online revealed that tensions between the Mexican Armed Forces have been exacerbated and may worsen joint operations in the future.

According to a report in The Washington Post citing those documents, the Mexican secretary of the Navy “instructed Navy officials to limit cooperation with Sedena.”

That instruction would have been given after the Mexican Army took control of all Mexican airspace.

The president reiterated his criticism of the leaks and pointed out that the differences are normal between agencies, such as between the Ministry of Finance and CFE and with the Economy.

“Look how frivolous, how vulgar, how superficial, what is the leaked note from the Pentagon to the WP, that the Sedena and the Navy are fighting, what, they don’t fight there? Do you want another note? Treasury fights with CFE , everyone has their criteria, Economy with Treasury, it is most normal,” he said.

López Obrador added that he will continue to cooperate with the US in its fight to stop drug trafficking.

“Cooperate with the US Government to help confront the terrible pandemic of drug use, and it is a humanitarian issue, we are also neighbors, and we need to help each other, but not the other way around, as many would like or as it was before, that we act like US police officers and that our security is neglected,” he said.

“Because the irresponsible and unfair decision was made to declare war on drug trafficking, it was partly to seek legitimacy, thinking that it was a field day, but also paying attention to those from abroad.”

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