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AMLO warns farmers in Sinaloa: “Our government does not allow blackmail”

MEXICO CITY (appro).– President Andrés Manuel López Obrador affirmed that they are not going to give in to the threats of the organizations that took over the Culiacán, Sinaloa airport and even if they prevent the operations, the police will not enter and told them: “Let them stay there, but we are not going to allow ourselves to be blackmailed for being corrupt”.

This position is contrary to that of the Sinaloan governor, Rubén Rocha, who called for farmers to better occupy warehouses and facilities of private companies such as Minsa, Gruma and Cargill.

López Obrador affirmed that these protests are encouraged by his adversaries and are part of a political party and an organization of “elite producers who were the ones who always benefited, kept all the subsidies.”

He explained that in the case of corn, bread wheat and they are being bought at a guaranteed price, in addition to the delivery of free fertilizers and the dissatisfied are the ones who keep the subsidies and are the ones who have the most hectares to plant, so , he said, they are not precisely ejidatarios or peasants but big businessmen.

The president confirmed that the guarantee prices will remain as they are and will not increase.

“Now prices are falling and instead of lowering the guarantee price we kept it but the large producers used to the subsidy want them to be subsidized and this is not possible,” he said.

He said that, for example, corn is paid at 7,000 pesos per ton and he promised to buy 1,500,000 tons at that price.

“They are high-flying businessmen and politicians, politicians, they take over the Culiacán airport, certainly not many because people realize it. There are about 200 close the airport until there is an increase in the guaranteed price and it is for everyone we are not going to give in even if they have the airport and for their peace of mind we are not going to use public force, ”he assured.

The president added that he regrets the effects on Metro users but insisted that it is blackmail from those who are used to corruption.

Regarding Governor Rubén Rocha’s call, the federal president indicated that it is not a measure that resolves, “they must understand that they have been helped, they will continue to be helped, but those of the conservative bloc are involved here. I can’t mention a match but I have them well fielded”.

This type of act, he pointed out, is a form of desperation “to affect the transformation of the country”, for what he considered to be a provocation, propaganda and publicity.

He said that before “how the president was corrupt, the secretaries were corrupt and all corrupt everything was blackmail, nothing more than it should not be forgotten that the budget is the people’s money.”

He also reproached that “there are many monopolies: that of corn, two companies have control of 90% of the commercialization of corn flour in a country where corn is the basic food, without corn there is no country; the meat, three large; the fish as five; the egg, about ten”.

Of some of those who are critical that “there are others who put on hats, plaid shirts, their boots, their whistle belts, nylon leaders and there they go.”

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