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AMLO will decorate the Cuban President in Campeche

Antonio Baranda/ Reform Agency

Friday, February 10, 2023 | 08:46

CDMX.- The Mexican Government will grant the decoration of the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle, in the degree of Collar, to the President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.

The decoration will be delivered to him, in reciprocity, by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador this Saturday in the city of Campeche, during the official visit that the Cuban President will make to Mexico.

In an Agreement published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicates that the purpose is to recognize Díaz-Canel for his contribution to strengthening relations between the two countries.

“It is the purpose of the Government of the United Mexican States to recognize His Excellency Mr. Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic of Cuba, for his work in strengthening relations of friendship and cooperation between Mexico and Cuba,” it indicates.

“That His Excellency Mr. Díaz-Canel has expressed his appreciation for Mexico and his interest in deepening bilateral ties with our country in the different visits he has carried out in national territory.”

Last May, Díaz Canel decorated López Obrador with the José Martí Order, during the two-day visit that the Mexican President made to the Island.

“The imposition of the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle means an act of reciprocity for the granting of the decoration of the José Martí Order delivered by the Cuban Government,” the Agreement states.

The Foreign Ministry recalled that Díaz Canel has visited our country three times: in December 2018 for the inauguration; in October 2019 on an official visit; and in September 2021 for the National Holidays

“His Excellency Mr. Díaz-Canel has promoted cooperation on health issues between the two nations by sending doctors and nurses to Mexico, in order to support during the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” he added.

“As well as the reception in Cuba of hundreds of medical students to study different specialties, the sale of vaccines and medicines to our country and the signing of a bilateral cooperation agreement on health.”

The Agreement also ponders that the Cuban President has actively participated in strengthening cultural ties between Mexico and Cuba, by sending a delegation to the International Cervantino Festival in 2021, where Cuba was the guest of honor.

Likewise, he adds, it facilitated the opening of spaces for Mexico to receive the same treatment at the Havana International Book Fair in April 2022, and inaugurated the Tuxpan bookstore of the Economic Culture Fund, where it was the first foreign bookstore in said city.

“During the working visit of May 8, 2022 to Havana, Cuba, the President of the United Mexican States received the José Martí decoration, the highest distinction awarded by the Cuban Government,” stressed the SRE.

“They signed a joint declaration that consolidates a new stage in the bilateral relationship and a cooperation agreement on health.”

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