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Among the Sleep 2 announced

We haven’t heard much from Krillbite Studio since Mosaic received a mixed reception in 2019 and Sunlight was missed by most in 2021, but now they’re trying again and loading up with a slightly different announcement.

Creative Europe Media has presented the 44 games to help fund this year, and the first on the Norwegian list actually reveals that Among the Sleep is getting a sequel. In the first entry, it says that Krillbite will receive 150,000 euros to develop Among the Sleep 2. The message is of course focused on the funding and gives us scant information regarding the game itself. All we know is that it will “building on the core experience of Among the Sleep – a first-person horror adventure where you play as a two-year-old child who is awakened in the middle of the night by mysterious noises and begins to explore the darkness in search of solace”.

Time will tell how a sequel can improve on this concept more than nine years after the original.

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