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An Argentine designed the Red Bull car that will run in the Miami GP: How did you choose it?

Looking ahead to the next race of the Formula 1 Red Bull team, which will be next Sunday at the Miami GP, the car will have a new plot that was designed by an Argentine graphic design student named Martina Andrianowho was the winner of the contest “Make your Mark” (make your mark).

In the design that will carry the RB19 that will be driven by the pilots Max Verstappen and Checo Pérez, the colors fuchsia, light blue and lilac stand out. In addition, it is also inspired by the popular series of the ’80s, Miami Vice.

In the vehicle presentation held last Thursday, Andriano said: “The moment I found out that I had won I was shocked and speechless, I couldn’t believe it; seems like a crazy dream. It will be my first race, the car will have my design and I will be in the garage. It’s going to be an amazing week.”

At the same time, Red Bull boss Christian Horner said: “Giving our fans the chance to influence our design at the three races in the USA is something other teams don’t do. It’s important for the team to be able to involve our fans in what we do and give them unique opportunities like this.. I think Martina has done a great job and the decor is amazing when you see it in real life.”

Finally, the Argentine referred to the design made and explained that “the first thing I thought about when I started my design was how the air flows through and over the car, then how it moves and how fast it is, and from there The inspiration came. Then, of course, I wanted to represent Miami and the race, so all of that was the inspiration“.

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