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An electoral desertion that is not enough to clear up the official questions

The exit from the electoral scene that Alberto Fernández resolved does not end up clearing up the doubts in the Governor’s Office. Close to Axel Kicillof, they believe that he is an element that will contribute to initiating a process of internal reorganization of the Frente de Todos, but that due to the incipient nature, he has a series of central questions that will inevitably impact the re-election plan of the Buenos Aires president.

There is, in principle, a scenario of Primaries in the ruling party at the national level that is not to Kicillof’s taste. It is not that the Governor is rejecting this internal competition, but that he fears that the dispute, instead of adding, ends up subtracting from his candidacy. With a certain amount of concern they observe a possible confrontation “upstairs” between Sergio Massa and Daniel Scioli. “We have a history of inmates that ended very badly,” they point out and recall the virulence that the crossings reached, back in 2015, between the pre-candidates for governor Aníbal Fernández and Julián Domínguez.

A first piece of information, perhaps I anticipate, of the lanes through which this eventual confrontation between the Minister of Economy and the Brazilian ambassador could go, would have to be traced in an explosive tweet that the provincial deputy Rubén Eslaiman wrote a few hours ago, one of the men of confidence of Massa in the Province, regarding a statement by Scioli in which he ratified his candidacy. After referring to Scioli’s family and personal issues with an extremely sharp tone, he concludes: “I hope you get off soon so you don’t lose again.”

There is an underhanded piece of information behind this onslaught: the content of the publication was neatly distributed by spokesmen for massismo, perhaps so as to leave no doubt that it was not a solo outburst by the legislator.

This evidence begins to set off alarms in the Buenos Aires ruling party. Together with the very complex economic and social situation, they make up a possible containment dam for Kicillof’s re-election aspirations. Even when the internal one could be channeled, the menu of the Buenos Aires Front of All continues to appear the alternative of separating the Buenos Aires elections from the national ones if the run on the dollar accelerates and inflation continues to skyrocket. Kicillof kept that letter up his sleeve and, they say around him, he is seriously considering using it in an extreme situation.

“Close to Kicillof they believe that an inmate between Massa and Scioli could, due to its virulence, end up harming the ruling party”

The Governor spoke about all these issues in the last few hours with Cristina Kirchner. Of the possible division to try to shelter from a national storm and as a way of putting pressure on the President to adopt the decision that she finally announced. Also, regarding another issue that did not go unnoticed after the PJ national meeting that took place in the last hours after the video of Alberto Fernández’s resignation was released: Kicillof said, there, with all the letters, that he wants to be a candidate for governor.

That definition, with the OK of the Vice President, cannot yet be read as confirmation, but at least it has the form of a strong signal for different sectors of the ruling party that push him to the bigger fight with the argument that he is the leader who retains the most votes. from Christina.

The public reappearance of the former president at the Teatro Argentino next Thursday may provide some additional sign. Embracing memories, some sectors of the ruling party believe that it could illuminate some definition within the framework of the “operational clamor” that sectors K are testing for Cristina to be a candidate again. In this lyrical field, she announced in 2005 that she would run for the national senatorial position in the midst of the fierce internal force at that time with Duhaldism. However, it seems too soon for any definition to emerge almost two months after the closing of the lists.

In an open arena, Kicillof could also face a Step. The act headed yesterday in Ensenada by the national minister Victoria Tolosa Paz had all the profile of the staging of her own political proposal within the Frente de Todos. The name of the official had come to roll before the resignation of the President. The fact is that, perhaps in line with what Alberto Fernández said in his video in the sense that she intends to be a guarantor of internal competition, Tolosa Paz came out to show herself with a Buenos Aires profile. Not only that: she directly asked that the tools of the Primary be used. The move to the side of the President left the ruling party in the face of solving that enigma.

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