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An electronic music festival in Canaima?

An electronic music festival in Canaima?

The show is organized by the company SoulSound Community, apparently Venezuelan and whose mission is to “embrace the magic of Venezuela,” opening “the doors of home to foreigners” to explore the beauty of the country. And it is co-organized by Techno and Chilla Los Angeles-based events company created by fans of clubbing and electronic music culture, according to initial information.

With this “Avatar experience”, invite you to a “unique trip, where the magic of music meets the majesty of Canaima”, for exorbitant prices, which contrast with the Venezuelan minimum wage of less than five dollars. But now they deny that it would be there.

An event for foreigners?

In principle, the event would be aimed mainly at foreigners, for “modest” costs ranging from around $2,500 to about $7,000according to the quotes that the company makes on its website.

“SoulSound invites you to live a wonderful 5-day experience between the city of Caracas and the Canaima National Park, where you will have the opportunity to appreciate one of the 10 wonders of the world. VALID ONLY FOR FOREIGNERS” reads the Techno and Chill ad.

For minimum price of $2,580whoever attends this festival will have the opportunity to enjoy two nights at the Humbolt Hotel, located in the El Ávila National Park, renowned by Chavismo Waraira Repano, with breakfast included, and a welcome party at Altitud Restaurant.

Plus, it includes three nights at Camp Wakawena, with all meals except alcoholic beverages. A general round-trip charter flight from Caracas to Canaima, with excursions through this park, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994, and exclusive entry to the “Avatar” and “Canaima” festivals, with security and VIP transportation.

But they have an option for those nationals who wish to be part of the festival, although without the option of lodging. Tickets, which are “discounted” range from $80 for general admission, $150 for VIP and $250 for a boilereven backstage at $3,500 for a table for people.


Given this event in the natural lung of Canaima, which is considered the fifteenth largest national park in the world With an area of ​​30,000 km², which borders Brazil and Guyana, the alarms were raised among environmentalists and social media users, who reject the celebration of this event, as it puts this ecosystem at risk.

The ONG SOS Orinocofor its part, described this festival as the “last of those plugged in by the Nicolás Maduro regime” and warned about the risk it puts this national park in.

“Don’t these irresponsible people know that Canaima is a World Heritage site, with fragile ecosystems, where noise pollution and high concentrations of people are prohibited?” he questioned in X.

“This is part of what we could call total and absolute anarchy, chaos, decadence, social decline and government absenteeism (if they are not part of this),” said the user identified as Hugo R. Duarte J. in X, before Twitter.

While the Internet user Pedro Landaeta He added: “The only thing missing from this promotion is the invitation to hunt endangered species or the sacrifice of indigenous youth. “It really is grotesque to hold these kinds of events in a national park of extreme fragility like Canaima.”

It’s not the first time

This is not the first time that figures related to Chavismo, who are known as “enchufados”, They celebrate an elitist party in the Canaima National Park. Almost two years ago, in February 2022, Venezuelan businessman Rafael Oliveros celebrated his 50th birthday at the top of Kusari Tepuy, known as Cerro Venado, right in front of the Canaima Lagoon.

The images of this “magnificent event” They did not take long to go viral on social networks, and unleashed condemnation from the population by putting at risk this ancestral territory, considered by the Pemón ethnic group as a “home of gods”.

It was attended by figures from national public life, such as the former president of the Miss Venezuela organization, Osmel Sousa; the fashion presenter and columnist, Titina Penzini; the public relations Aura Marina Hernandez and the businessman Otto Mendoza Briceño, among others..

The Canaima National Park is a natural space protected by law for its ecological value as a world heritage site. The Organic Law for Territorial Planning on Administration and Management of National Parks and Natural Monuments completely prohibits any type of event that involves large crowds of people or the landing of aerial vehicles in unauthorized spaces.

In addition, activities such as camping outside recreational areas or the use of vehicles that require a permit from the National Parks Institute (Inparques) are restricted, which requires an environmental impact study, since they cannot affect in any way existing ecosystems or produce sonic or light disturbances.

Do they distance themselves from the festival?

After the news of the event on January 17 went viral on social networks, the organizing companies, through a statement, “clarified” that “SoulSound” is a music festival that will be held only in Caracason January 18.

“The Canaima camps have nothing to do with the Caracas festival or with the organization of SoulSound, they are only providing us with their services such as accommodation and tourist guide for our clients,” he adds.

In addition, he points out that this is an experience that they promote internationally with the aim of promoting national tourism and creating a community. “safe and reliable” for the tourists. Although, it does not leave out Venezuelans, given that they provide the opportunity for anyone who wants to attend the event in Canaima to do so, “under the regular excursions offered by the inns.”

For their part, companies Wakawena and Ara Merú Lodgewhich appear in the quotes for lodging, distanced themselves from the holding of this festival.

“We deny any connection or participation in it, or with any of its associates and related parties,” the companies point out in their respective statements, worded in a similar way.

In addition, they highlight their “commitment” to the “healthy development of tourist activity and to the protection of the environment, knowing the fragility of our environment.”

“We respect the regulations that govern the Pemón community of Kanaimö and the Canaima National Park. And we would not act under any circumstances without your consent,” one of the statements concludes.


Source: With information from Techno and Chill / SoulSound Community / El Estímulo / El Diario

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