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An iron progressive to judge Trump

An iron progressive to judge Trump

“Presidents are not kings. And the plaintiff is not the president.” Tanya Sue Chutkan (Kingston, JamaicaJuly 5, 1962), the judge designated by lot to judge donald trump In the case of the alleged attempt to modify the result of the 2020 presidential elections, he did not stop in bars when, two years ago, he authorized access to the commission investigating the assault on the Capitol to 700 documents that donald trump wanted to keep it a secret.

Born in Jamaica and raised in Kingstonwith a father who mixes Caribbean and Indian blood, chutkan emigrated to USA in the early eighties to graduate in Law from the washington university and expand studies -up to a doctorate- in the Pennsylvania.

The judge chutkan has extensive experience in criminal matters, having, according to his official biography, available on the website of the Washington D.C. Federal Court“argued several cases on appeal and tried more than thirty, including many serious cases.”

After more than ten years working for an influential New York law firm, the 61-year-old magistrate and mother of two children was appointed federal judge for the District of Columbia (Washington) for Barack Obama in 2014. Confirmed by the Senate In a vote of 95 votes against 0 -although following a somewhat complex procedure-, he was entrusted, like many judges in the federal capital, with various trials related to the serious incidents that occurred in Capitol on January 6, 2021.

It was then that his frank verb emerged: The rioters of January 6 “desecrated and disfigured the halls of the Capitol and showed their contempt for him Rule of law“, he said then, adding during an oral hearing:” It is not patriotism, it is not defending America defend a man – who knows perfectly well that he has lost – instead of defending the Constitution that he was trying to subvert.

So far, it could be said that his assessments are those of his position. The problem is that he then got carried away by his progressive impulse; and even ‘wokista’when criticizing the comparison between the riots that followed the death of George Floyd and the events of Capitol: “Comparing the actions of people across the country who were protesting, mostly peacefully, for civil rights, with a violent mob that wanted to overthrow the legally elected government is a false equivalence and minimizes the very real danger that the mob of 6 January meant for our democracy.

It did not take more, already at that moment, for the supporters of the former president to invoke a judicial and ideological conspiracy. Republican Senator from Texas, TEd Cruzyou have already checked chutkan as an “extreme left judge”, stating that “she is going to bow down to serve the administration Biden» and that all his decisions will be hostile to Trump.

The lawyers of Trumpthe Republican favorite for the 2024 presidential elections, intend to move the trial to a more politically favorable state, such as Virginia. It would be something strange USAwhere crimes must be judged in the place where they were committed.

And the interested party himself confirmed that line yesterday: “There is no way that I can have a fair trial with the ‘assigned’ judge,” he said. Trump in a social media post. “Everyone knows it and so does she! We will immediately request the recusal of this judge for very powerful reasons and also change her place, out of DC», he added.

Of chutkan It now depends not to get carried away by ideological passion.

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