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An obese child can become a sterile man: how childhood obesity is related to male fertility

Male sterility plays a very important role in the sterile couple, since around 30% of the problems at the time of getting an embarrassment correspond to a male factor.

The sterile man sues to present a low seminal quality in the majority of cases, which supposes that his spermatozoa do not have the sufficient capacity to be able to fertilize the ovum and give rise to an embarrassment.

Depending on the cause that causes this male infertility, it will be possible to apply a concrete treatment that allows these couples to be priests, as published in the European Society of Endocrinology.

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Obesity in men can affect their seminal quality due to a reduction in sperm count, low sperm motility and an increase in morphological disturbances.

Obesity in men can be a factor that can affect their seminal quality, due to a reduction in sperm count, low sperm motility and increased morphological changes.

For all these reasons, obesity is a cause of male infertility, just as it is also a cause of female infertility. However, the root of this type of problem could be more linked to childhood obesity.

How is childhood obesity related to male fertility

Obesity in children may be related to shrunken testicles and result in a greater risk of infertility for young men, inform Italian researchers, as published in European Society of Endocrinology.

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In their study of children aged 2 to 18 years who were sent to the Pediatric Endocrinology Unit of the University of Catania in Sicily to control their weight, the researchers found that those with normal insulin levels had a testicular volume twice as high as children with high insulin levels insulin levels.

For all that, obesity is a cause of male infertility, which has as a starting point in childhood.

In children who were overweight or obese, hyperinsulinemia (insulin resistance) tended to reduce testicular volume compared to other children, researchers said.

It is known that this “testicular hypotrophy”, said researchers, increases the risk of infertility in men.

“Testicular volume has a direct relationship with semen profiles and tends to be a good predictor of hormonal function”, says a Medical News Today the Dr. Alex Robles, fertility expert at the Center for Fertility at Columbia University in New York.

“There are data that infertile men have a smaller testicular volume compared to fertile men”, he added. “We can also see this in men who take exogenous anabolic steroids.

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These people stop producing their own endogenous testosterone, which will reduce testicular size/volumen and sperm production”.

A more careful control of body weight in childhood and adolescence could help maintain testicular function more smoothly in life.

“While the prevalence of childhood obesity is increasing worldwide, the impact of obesity and the metabolic disorders associated with testicular growth are not known well”, says Rossella Cannarella, research assistant at the University of Catania in Italy and co-author of the studio. published in the European Journal of Endrocrinology.

“We found that being overweight or obese was associated with a smaller peripubertal testicular volume. In addition, it was discovered that comorbidities related to obesity, such as hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, influence testicular volume before and after puberty ”, she adds.


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