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An unprecedented candidate with a vision of reconstruction for Venezuela

I accepted the candidacy with enormous responsibility

CARACAS.- In the midst of the political and social turmoil that Venezuela is experiencing, the candidate of the opposition alliance, Edmundo González Urrutia, emerged as an unprecedented figure in the public arena. With a focus focused on the reconstruction of the country and the search for national unity.

Edmundo González Urrutia in an interview for the Venezuelan media Sellers, stressed that, despite opinion measurements that place his candidate above 60 percent in the polls, he does not allow himself to be carried away by triumphalism. Instead, he continues to work tirelessly as if he were starting the electoral race. Accompanied by his wife in some activities, he acknowledged that this foray into politics is something new for both of them.

With extensive previous diplomatic and political experience, including his role as general director of International Policy of the Foreign Ministry, González Urrutia emphasized the importance of prudence and discretion in his actions. He noted that the current government is showing signs of weakness by canceling international invitations, which he interprets as a manifestation of internal divisions.

Regarding the need for national reconciliation, González Urrutia made reference to past experiences in other countries and stressed the importance of seeking a reunion between Venezuelans. He stressed that a resounding victory in the elections could lay the foundation for a constructive dialogue with the current power and open the way to a peaceful transition.

Regarding María Corina Machado, González Urrutia praised her national leadership and her broad popular support. He expressed confidence that together they will be able to face the current challenges and work for the well-being of the country.

As for his plans for the future, González Urrutia mentioned the existence of detailed documents on the economic and social measures that his government would implement. He highlighted the importance of convening the best talents in the country to address the widespread crisis affecting Venezuela.

With a clear vision of national reconstruction and a call for unity and joint work, Edmundo González Urrutia presents himself as a candidate committed to the future of Venezuela and willing to lead the country towards a new stage of progress and stability.

Call for National Reconstruction and Reconciliation

In a context of political and social crisis in Venezuela, the candidate of the opposition alliance, Edmundo González Urrutia, made an urgent call to seek a national consensus on fundamental issues to overcome the current situation.

He highlighted the need to leave behind models of the past and imperfect coalitions, focusing on attracting the best will of Venezuelans to face the challenges facing the country. The candidate stressed the importance of addressing the economic and social crisis affecting Venezuela, emphasizing his own personal experience when describing the difficulties faced by ordinary citizens.

González Urrutia pointed out that it is necessary to seek a consensus that allows the country to be reconstructed and guarantee a dignified life for all Venezuelans.

Regarding the role of the Armed Forces, González Urrutia recognized its historical importance, but raised the need to reform its military doctrine so that it adjusts to the constitutional framework and focuses on protecting national interests. He highlighted the importance of recovering the role of the State in public policies and promoting collaboration between the public and private sectors to get the country out of the current stagnation.

The opposition candidate called to overcome the Chavismo-anti-Chavismo dichotomy and emphasized the need to find a path towards national reconciliation. González Urrutia expressed concern about human rights violations and advocated for transitional justice to compensate victims and prevent the repetition of these atrocious crimes in the future.

Everything indicates that with a vision of national reconstruction, search for consensus and reconciliation, Edmundo González Urrutia presents himself as a candidate committed to the well-being of all Venezuelans and willing to lead the country towards a new stage of progress and stability.

(email protected)


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