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Analysis of WrestleQuest, a crazy tribute to the great legends of wrestling in the form of an RPG

Analysis of WrestleQuest, a crazy tribute to the great legends of wrestling in the form of an RPG

When I was little something that I loved to watch on television every weekend when there were the combats of what here in Spain was known as Pressing Catchthe name given in these parts to what is known today as the WWE and that it was broadcast on Telecinco. At that time we met big stars like Hulk Hogan, the Last Warrior and many others who have become great legends.

In the world of video games, countless titles have been developed dedicated to this program that is broadcast weekly in the United States, including those of the 2K Games series, but a company that has wanted to offer its own vision of this sport is Mega Cat. Studios, those responsible for having developed wrestlequest.

From the first moment this game was announced it caught my attention, not only because it is a game based on wrestling fights, but also because be an RPG. A very curious combination that I wanted to give a chance to and about which I am going to talk to you in more detail in the following analysis of this peculiar mix that will go on sale tomorrow.

The hard path of action figures to the top of wrestling

As soon as you start a new game you realize that you are facing something that is going to get totally out of the ordinary. The whole story is told on a radio show in which some WWE legends are among the narrators, such as Jake “The Snake” Roberts, Jeff Jarrett and other retired wrestlers who are perfectly represented, despite its lively and cartoony touch.

From there, the action moves completely to a fantasy world in which wrestling is the only thing that matters and the hobby for which each and every one of the inhabitants of the different places dedicates themselves. Among all of them is man boyour main protagonist whose only aspiration in life is to become the greatest legend of all time.

His great inspiration to achieve his goal is nothing more and nothing less than “Macho Man” Randy Savage, another of the great superstars who have paraded through WWE. However, to reach the top it will not be easy at all, because his path start from the bottom of the wholehaving to gradually enter the world of professional wrestling.

That will lead him to fight in smaller leagues while working his way up to PAW (another clear tribute to WWE for the RAW division). For this he will have to train hard while He goes from a mere contender to a champion.with a plot that the truth is that it is very well told and with a great pace, but above all what is striking about it is that it takes absolutely nothing seriously.

All the characters they are actually action figuressomething that can be seen in the joints of their arms, but we can also find among them dolls like some similar to Mr. Potato, enemies in the shape of PEZ candies and even other characters in the shape of crocodiles, rats, elephants, moose, etc. ., as if everything were the most normal thing in the world.

It’s more, in the dialogues themselves they release some joke related to this matter, with very funny conversations and in which they do not stop using terminologies related to wrestling, so all WWE fans will feel very familiar with the story. This is also because the inhabitants of this world have great legends on an altar with their own statues, such as Randy Savage himself or the couple from The Road Warriors.

Also, the argument is jumping from time to time andBetween the story of Muchacho Man and that of Brink Logananother of the main characters, each with their own motivations, so that we can see two different points of view and the path that awaits each one to achieve the same goal.

On the other hand, the texts are translated in Latin American Spanish, but not in Spanish, so at least something is something for those who speak English, even if they use excessive expressions, words and ways of speaking from the other side of the pond. Even so, I have come across some specific conversations that have not been translated and can only be read in English.

Some fights that have nothing to envy to those of professional wrestling

The fact that wrestlequest In the case of an RPG, it is noted for how its campaign unfolds and for certain elements that cannot be missing in a game of this type, such as equipping pieces that grant improvements to statistics, gaining experience points to level up and about all because the combats will be in turns. Without a doubt, this is what makes the game really special.

What would an adventure that pays homage to professional wrestling be if their own matches didn’t have much to do with it. So every time you start one the scene will turn into a quadrangle where in turns we will have to select the different actions to carry out, whether they are normal attacks or other special ones that consume skill points for using them, but which in return cause altered effects or more damage than normal.

The latter allows us to witness some very iconic moves from the superstars, either alone or by combining the power of one or even two companions simultaneously, so that the more that come together to distribute tow, the more brutal the blow will be. However, not everything will be limited to selecting the action in question and seeing the numbers, because there will also be moments like quick time events.

This means that the game itself will ask us to press certain buttons in particular, testing our reflexes because the time limit for it is excessively short. Therefore, if you hit with the correct combination, the blow will be more devastating, but failing will mean serving our opponents on a tray who give us a good punch. Of course, sometimes we can also counterattack if they throw us against the ropes to return the impact.

Beyond this, we can also have the help of managers that they will throw us a cable to the outskirts of the ring if certain conditions are met. In this sense, there will also be some special fights that will require us to carry out certain actions to unlock very tasty rewards. I also have to say that many times I have chosen to ignore these objectives because it meant receiving blows or taking too long the fights and I did not see the need to win a prize.

In addition to all of the above, in a wrestling match Of course, an entrance to the stage in good conditions cannot be missing.. That is why in certain confrontations we will have to choose the type of lighting, pyrotechnic effects or the music that will accompany us as we go down the ramp until we reach the ring so that the distribution of cakes begins, but the fact that this is so important it is to increase the exaltation of the public.

Stars love for viewers to live in the moment with shouts, applause, banners and more, so you have to constantly put on a good show. Based on hitting the blows, making jokes, special attacks and others, we will see how the public will warm up, which will help them the exaltation bar does not stop increasing and thus activate special bonuses.

In short, it has been able to perfectly combine the good elements of an RPG with the main characteristics of wrestling matches, also including the count of three to eliminate the opponents. That does not mean that the fights can be somewhat repetitive and simple in general, although the difficulty has some tremendously high peaks, so in the end it ends up becoming a bit of a roller coaster.

For the rest, the scenarios have puzzles that are too easy and sometimes they feel a little empty, while the combats are not random, since at all times we will see the enemies roaming freely, but when we get too close to them they will instantly notice our presence and it will be inevitable to go to work. I also have to say that I didn’t care at all because I haven’t noticed any excess experience points and some fights have forced me to give everything so as not to end up being eliminated.

VidaExtra’s opinion

To spend the time wrestlequest I thought it was a good game. As I indicated at the beginning, the fact that I combine one of my hobbies, such as wrestling, with another of my favorite genres, such as RPGs, seemed to me quite a success when the result is so good, although it is far from to be perfect.

Simply It is an entertaining title without more in which the fights use the strengths of professional wrestling in an excellent way, but also lack a little more variety in the long run. For their part, the scenarios could have had more elements to make them somewhat more complete, and it would also have been nice if some problems in the translation had been polished and even more so in performance, because I have come across cases in which it remained caught the game or couldn’t progress through some places unless I reloaded the game.

At least the plot is very well carried out and the fact of using action figures to represent the characters, mixed with real-life professional wrestlers, has also been a great hoot. So that, if you have grown up with WWE and you like RPGsYou wouldn’t do anything wrong to give it a try. wrestlequestbut do not expect a great wonder either.

Oxenfree II: Lost Signals

platforms Nintendo Switch, PC (reviewed version), PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S
multiplayer No
developer Mega Cat Studios
Company Skybound Games
Launch August 8, 2023

The best

  • The clear tribute that pays to WWE and its superstars.
  • The elements so characteristic of wrestling.
  • How well they combine combat with the touches of an RPG.


  • More elements are missing in the scenarios.
  • In the long run the combats can become a bit repetitive.
  • Some specific failures in performance that force a restart.

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