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Anatel and Ancine laboratory to take down pirated IPTV live signal is almost ready

Update (05/27/2023) – by DT

One laboratory is being developed at the headquarters of National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), in Brasilia, to remove pirated audiovisual content during live broadcasts. The structure should be delivered later this year.

The initiative is carried out in partnership with the National Film Agency (Ancine) and the laboratory will be located near the floor of the autarchy, whose operations are carried out in the Anatel building. In March, the two bodies announced an agreement against piracy.

“We are finalizing a laboratory within the agency to be able to block live content. We are not going to end piracy, but we are going to reduce it. The user who consumes this service is discouraged”, said Moisés Moreira, Anatel advisor.

As pointed out by the Tele.Síntese website, the councilor pointed out that the unit is designed to take down live transmissions and should start activities “even before the end of my mandate”, which ends in November of this year.

Still according to Moreira, Anatel began to face piracy more forcefully from 2018. In the years 2021 and 2022, more than 6 million pieces of equipment without proper approval were seized, of which 1.5 million are TV devices box.

In the view of the councilor of the autarchy, it is also necessary to do an educational work with the Brazilian population. Moreira cited Portugal as an example, where children are taught at school that accessing content illegally is a crime.

Original text (03/10/2023)

The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) and the National Cinema Agency (Ancine) are closing loopholes for digital piracy in the country, and to ensure more agility in blocking products and services that violate copyright — such as irregular streaming devices —, the bodies announced a Technical Cooperation Agreement.

Announced on Thursday (09), the joint force between the two main agencies in the fight against digital piracy aims to allow exchange of information, experiences and technologies so that platforms serving content without authorization are blocked.

“With this exchange of information, Ancine will signal the content that is being transmitted illegally and Anatel may request the blocking of the channel or the pirated site”, explains Moisés Moreira, Anatel advisor. The agreement will be valid for 2 years.

The expectation is that the agreement will allow the agencies to work more efficiently to stop illegal transmissions and hosting of movies, series, live television channels, among other types of intercepted content from the original and authorized broadcasters.

“The idea of ​​this exchange of information is to have speed, because in a case involving a sports match, for example, you have to be quick. (…) It’s a different scenario from a website or channel that is, for example, broadcasting a TV series”, explains Moreira.

With the contract, Anatel is reinforcing its strategies to control digital piracy in the country. In 2021, the municipality began efforts to identify and seize streaming devices with IPTV – the famous TV Box devices – not approved. The operation found that these products can compromise user safety.

Moreira claims that the agencies will define work plans for the exchange of information and cooperation, which could include the creation of a joint laboratory to identify pirated content found in the digital environment.

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