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"And if Simeone does it again for the third time?"

"And if Simeone does it again for the third time?"

It is the third in discord, yes. For potential and muscle, it seems like a chimera to be ahead of the two colossi, yes. But… what if he decides to do it for the third time? We talked, of course, that his athletic I beat LaLiga to two teams that always played with other ‘weapons’. While one can pay more than 100 kilos for the English sensation, the other takes a headline from the best team in the world even

Luso immersed in absolute ruin. His Atlético, to say it all, needs to take out players to reinforce the only position in which he asked for a first sword, the 5… While the soap opera in which he has gotten himself unravels

joao flix

with ridiculous theories that cause a certain embarrassment,


re-create a winning group. As in 2013, when he caressed what would have been the great double. Like in 2021, when with the soulless fields he got a champion team. The boys, as he says

The cholo

, they followed him to rescue him from the ICU last year. They have started leaders and with the feeling that LaLiga is going to fight until the end as soon as everything falls into place. We’ll see if the market ends well for a team always on the wire. Time will then dictate where to stay. But… what if he decides to do it for the third time?

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