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And Marko Cortes…? Oblivious to the García Luna schism

Mayolo López/ Reform Agency

Thursday, February 23, 2023 | 06:54

CDMX.- Oblivious to the shock that the fact that Genaro García Luna, AFI commander under Vicente Fox and Secretary of Security under Felipe Calderón, has been found guilty of drug trafficking represents for the PAN, the blue and white leader, Marko Cortés, painted his cheeks and her fingers blue, and she looked smiling on camera.

Around ten o’clock at night, the opposition leader released images where he appears smiling making the V for victory, during a meeting of state structures held behind closed doors.

The man from Michoacán has remained silent since the verdict reached by the jury on Tuesday afternoon was learned, incriminating the former Secretary of Public Security of the Government of Felipe Calderón Hinojosa.

Cortés drew the V for victory accompanied by approximately a hundred co-religionists in the Manuel Gómez Morín auditorium, among which stood out the federal deputies Patricia Patrón, who is also general secretary; Mariana Gomez del Campo and Gabriel Quadri; electoral strategist Fernando Rodríguez Doval; and the coordinator of local deputies, Enrique Vargas.

Until now, none of the party leaders have assumed a position regarding the accusations and political accusations made by their adversaries.

Former President Felipe Calderón distanced himself from the accusations and maintained that he never agreed or negotiated with criminal groups, and that during his administration no criminal organization was privileged.

The national leadership of Morena, headed by Mario Delgado, urged the FGR to investigate the files of García Luna in Mexico, and asked the INE to withdraw the registration of the PAN as a political party.

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