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Andean Maca: properties and benefits for women of this plant native to Peru

The read andina, The one we are going to talk about could be classified as the ‘Peruvian ginseng’. And it is that, with this native root of the Andes and increasingly popular in Spain, we bring you one of those superfoods with numerous benefits and properties for health and that you can also easily incorporate into your breakfasts, satiating meals and healthy snacks. A tuber that for centuries has been used for medicinal purposes for its powers to improve libido and regulate hormones in women.

An ideal substitute for caffeine and theine with which you will get that necessary energy intake to face the day and with which you will also get a great supply of nutrients and vitamins. Hence, it has already become a true essential for all followers of fitness and a healthy lifestyle. We tell you everything about this well-known ‘gold’ of the Andes.

What is Andean maca and what is its origin?

Andean maca is a tuber whose origin is in the Andes, being a plant known in medicine for its therapeutic and nutritional properties since centuries. A herbaceous herb or vegetable root that is grown at altitudes up to 4,000 meters, its natural area being the Andean region of Peru.

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A root vegetable rich in nutrients and with a powerful revitalizing effect even in extreme conditions, which began to be cultivated by the culture Eastern on the plateau of Junin Lake for more than 2,000 years and since then it has continued to be planted throughout the Andean territory.

It was from 1460 when with the expansion of the Inca Empire, its cultivation began to spread as it became the medicinal plant used by the army and the nobility. But it was not until discovery of America when this plant played an essential role, when the Spanish accepted the payment of tributes in the colonies with this product. A fact that also made spain you could enjoy its many benefits.

A plant that the Incas used as a tonic and stimulant for the army and that was supplied to the soldiers, also as food for battle. Some energizing effects to which other key factors must also be added, especially for women’s health, such as hormonal regulation, the reduction of menstrual pain or even the stimulation and power of the female libido.

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Benefits of Andean maca for women’s health

The benefits that maca provides have to do with its combination of ingredients such as macamide, alkaloids, selenium or beta-sitosterol, among others. Elements that favor this plant to have some especially beneficial functions for the organism. These are some of the most prominent:

  • Improves power levels, increasing physical performance and endurance.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Increases the capacity of the brain, improving mental acuity and learning.
  • Increases sexual performance.
  • Stimulates and enhances the libido.
  • Helps regulate hormone production
  • It produces an improvement in the symptoms of menopause.
  • Reduces menstrual cramps.
  • It is nutritionally dense and provides a large amount of nutrients.
  • The phytoestrogens in the root can provide some antidepressant sensations.

Andean maca properties for the body

The beneficial properties of Andean maca are also directly related to the nutrients that it contains. Among them are:

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  • Variety of vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc, among others.
  • All essential amino acids except tryptophan.
  • Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.
  • Linolenic, palmitic and oleic acid.
  • As well as other substances such as phytosterols, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, isocyanates, glucosinolates, macacides and alcamides.

This root therefore has a high nutritional profile similar to that of other foods such as cereal grains, corn, rice or wheat, among others. Contains a 60% carbohydrates, 10% protein, 8.5% fiber and 2.2% fat.

Is Andean maca useful for losing weight?

Despite the fact that Andean maca is known for its nutritional properties and health benefits, there are no studies that show that it is also a effective superfood for weight loss or to thin.

Even so, what Andean maca can provide you with is an important energy boost thanks to its carbohydrate and nutrient content, something that can help maintain stable energy levels throughout the day. In addition, its fiber content can help promote satiety and maintain appetite control.

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However, it is important to remember that weight loss should always be linked to a balanced diet, regular physical activity, healthy habits and lifestyle and to the recommendations of a professional doctor or nutritionist who can take our particular case into account.

How to take Andean maca

Andean maca can be taken in different ways, always depending on the preferences and needs of each person. Here are some of the most common ways:

  • Maca powder: Andean maca powder is one of the most popular formats. You can mix it with water, juices, shakes, milk, yogurt or add it to dessert recipes, such as smoothies, muffins or energy bars. It is best to start with small doses and then gradually increase.
  • Capsules or tablets: Andean maca is also available in capsule or tablet form. These presentations are practical and easy to take, especially for those who do not enjoy their powdered flavor. It is best to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for taking the proper dosage.
  • liquid extract: Andean maca liquid extract is another option that you can mix with water or other liquids and consume directly. As with the powder and capsules, it is important that you always follow the manufacturer’s recommended dosage.
  • Incorporation in food: Andean maca can also be added to various foods as part of their preparation. One option, for example, is to include Andean maca powder in smoothies, granolas, cereals, puddings, desserts, or even breads and cakes.

Andean maca contraindications

Andean maca is a widely consumed food that can be especially beneficial for health, but as long as it is included in moderation and within the framework of a healthy and balanced diet. However, they do exist cases in which this root may be contraindicated and in which its excessive consumption can cause adverse effects.

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  • Excess energy and trouble resting: By providing energy, its excessive consumption can cause difficulty in resting well at night. For this reason it is advisable not to eat it late in the day.
  • Stomach swelling: Being very rich in fiber, excessive consumption could cause increased abdominal inflammation, gas or even diarrhea.
  • Not recommended if you have thyroid problems: In some cases, Andean maca can inhibit the normal functioning of the thyroid, so if you suffer from thyroid problems you should consult your doctor beforehand.
  • Not recommended with anticoagulant treatments: People who are taking some type of anticoagulant treatment should not consume it either.
  • In case of pregnancy: If you are pregnant, it is best to consult your doctor beforehand, since maca root has components such as alkaloids that could negatively affect the health of the baby.

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