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Andrea Serna spoke of her future on television: “I would love to be able to accompany you for a while longer”

Andrea Serna talked about her future on television (@andreasernafotos/Instagram)

Andrea Serna It has been positioned in the hearts of Colombians for more than a quarter of a century when it began its journey on television. Since 2018, the woman from Caldas works in Snail Television and since 2019 she is the presenter of the The Box Challengeto the point of becoming the visible face of the reality in the latest editions.

During an interview with hello magazine, for which she was on the cover of the edition on the occasion of mothers’ month, spoke about various topics, including her facet as a mother, since she appears on the cover accompanied by her daughter Emilia Barraza. However, one of the aspects that most attracted attention in the talk was related to her future on television.

When asked, “How do you envision your work in TV in the future?” Serna replied that he still enjoys doing his work in the Challenge and television in general, and that he still wants to stay in television for many years:

“I enjoy the big formats and although —it must be said— things have changed in these 20 years and although today there are many other ways to consume entertainment, I continue with all my affections on television. I would love to be able to accompany them for a while longer on the small screen ”

However, its continuity in the Challenge is not so clear. This, due to what the director of the reality show said, Sebastian Martinoand Vice President of Snail Television, Juan Esteban Sampedro. During a chat with Pulzo, both stated that they were considering several changes for 2024, such as the possibility of doing an edition with former participants. Something that they were able to confirm to the outlet is that next year the program will not be carried out in tobiaas had been the case in previous editions, and indicated that they are studying the possibility of doing the program outside the country.

The bad behavior of two participants of the The Box Challenge It was evidenced at the end of chapter 31 and a million-dollar penalty awaits the teams involved. It all happened during the meeting that Yan (Beta) and The skinny girl (Gamma) had in El Cubo and after having several drinks they destroyed the luxurious house, causing damages of up to 50 million pesos.

Yan six million pesos were spent at the auction to be able to invite people to eat The skinny girlto spend a night with her in the luxurious and comfortable house known as The cubea private place where participants can come with a guest, regardless of the team, and feed, bathe and have a good time.

At first, when the two friends met, they began to eat and toasted with champagne for staying in the game. They began to tell each other some things that were happening in their own teams about alliances and strategies; as well as they also talked about the weaknesses that each one saw in the other participants. With a little more drinks in their heads, the couple began to play around the house, they used candles and moved the furniture to resemble the moment in which they would receive the check with the money, and they even practiced the speech they would give at that moment thanking to their respective families.

However, the more wine and beer they drank, the situation became more disastrous, as both participants no longer only danced on the furniture or bathed with alcoholic beverages, but also began to throw the bottles and glasses on the floor. Then they started throwing chairs, tables, lights and everything else in the house from the balcony so that they fell into the pool. When they couldn’t find anything else to throw, they went to bed, but the amount of alcohol they consumed was such that they both ended up vomiting on the floor.

Andrea Serna announced the punishment that will not only be for the two involved, but for their Beta and Gamma teams. “The only way they can come to the next test is to bring the 50 million pesos. Otherwise, the teams of Yan and La Flaca –Beta and Gamma– will have to spend four consecutive cycles in Playa Baja”.

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