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Andrea Taboada got fully involved in the conflict between Yanina Latorre and Estefi Berardi and was blunt

If there is a famous Argentine who always captures all eyes and is characterized by having one of the sharpest tongues in entertainment, it is Yanina Latorre. He has been part of “LAM” for a long time, the América TV cycle carried out by Ángel de Brito and there are already several crossovers that he is having with some ‘little angels’, especially with Estefi Berardi.

This Friday, the lace and Berardi crossed paths again on the air and the host of the program had to get involved because the situation had become quite tense. It all started when both panelists were providing information on Jorge Rial’s state of health and had some differences in the data. Yanina Latorre He wanted to make it clear that Estefi was making a mistake, and on the other side there was denial.

Yanina Latorre, is one of the sharpest panelists of “LAM”.

The confrontation occurred when Berardi said that Rial would soon lead “Argenzuela” again and Yanina Latorre He denied this version, saying that Rial himself had clarified that this had not yet been confirmed and that “he has not yet spoken to anyone from the channel”, contrary to what Estefi said. Despite the fact that De Brito got into this crossroads and defended the statements of the blondeSince Rial’s state of health is still not the best, the celebrities continued to confront each other.

The message that Andrea Taboada left on Twitter.

“Poor girl, I feel sorry for you Estefi. You’re a liar,” he told her Yanina Berardi and she defended herself: “You are misogynistic and you have a problem with women. With China Suárez you do the same. You are aggressive, when you give information, you like to make the other feel bad, you like to destroy your colleagues, you made a lot of colleagues kick out and That makes you happy,” the panelist went on the air and this caused Andrea Taboada, a friend of De Brito and little angel, to comment on this on Twitter.

Ángel de Brito responded to Andrea.

“I received many messages today from this tenor. The episode that I lived at the time I banked on my own. Nobody defended me nor did I need it or need it. It is their issue and they will know how to handle it,” was one of the messages left by Taboada since many users of that social network talked about the fight between Yanina and Estefi.

De Brito on Twitter.

“And you always had the opportunity to say what you wanted,” De Brito responded to Taboada’s message on Twitter. After that, Berardi downloaded on Twitter about what happened on the air and was heartfelt, especially with De Brito, because she would not have defended her when she crossed with Yanina. “The rts and I like @estefiberardi against the program that made her famous and against the driver who gave her her best chance,” was one of the messages that the journalist left Estefi as she showed her anger against him in networks and “lam.”

The crossing of Yanina and Estefi

The “little angels” caused a stir this Friday on the famous América TV program and then several members of the cycle downloaded via Twitter.

De Brito clarified that it was a lie that many colleagues left the program for Yanina Latorre, as seen on the air. “In no program does it happen that they attack so much, in none,” Estefi clarified and she was very upset with the situation.

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