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Android 14: Google reveals the release dates of the different versions

A few days ago, Google gave a first preview of Android 14. In the process, the giant unveiled the gradual rollout of the future mobile operating system, from versions intended for developers to the final version through betas .

Android 14 © Google

Google has lifted the veil on some new features of Android 14, the next iteration of its mobile OS. This will notably offer better battery management, a more accessible font for the visually impaired, optimization of system resources and even a more complete customization interface.

When will Android 14 be released?

While the first Developer Preview is already available, Google has just detailed the deployment schedule for the next versions of the OS. Everything is settled on like clockwork until the stable version arrives.

  • Developer Preview 1 (February): initial baseline release with new features, APIs, and overall system runtime changes.
  • Developer Preview 2 (March): incremental update with additional features, APIs and general runtime improvements.
  • Beta 1 (April): initial beta version accessible for members of the Android Beta program.
  • Beta 2 (May) : Incremental update of the first beta version.
  • Beta 3 (June) : first beta candidate to be stable.
  • Beta 4 and 5 (Julyt): builds nearing completion.

If all goes according to plan, the first stable version of Android 14 should be deployed in mid-August like last year. Pixel smartphones will be the first to benefit from it. The OS will then gradually invite itself to other manufacturers. In this regard, here is the list of phones that will be compatible with Android 14.

Among the expected features, Android 14 will prevent you from installing outdated apps. The future OS will also introduce a hidden function in order to be able to remove pre-installed applications.

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