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Android: the guide for you to close your applications open in the background

Mobile devices with operating system Android that are manufactured today, are tools that are not very different from computers or laptops, in fact they fulfill almost the same functions, for example: they are used to carry out tasks in your work center, play gameplays, watch movies on your preferred platforms, etc.

When you exit an application it does not mean that you have closed it completely, in fact it’s like you are minimizing a window or program on your computer, it will still continue to run processes and consume some computer resourcesAmong the most important are RAM, processor and battery.

Millions of netizens believe that Android apps are closed in the following way: first, by pressing the “Back” or “Go Back” button until you reach the main interface of the smartphone; and second, by clicking on the digital “Multitask” button (located on the device’s navigation bar), then tapping on “Close all”. We tell you that they will still be open, from Depor we will tell you the correct way to close them 100%.

Learn the right way to close apps on your Android phone

  • First, enter the “Settings” of your mobile Androidyou locate it with the icon of a cogwheel or gear.
  • Now, click on the section that says “Applications”.
  • Here you will see all the applications you have installed.
  • Click on the one you want to close completely.
  • At the bottom you will see two options “Deactivate” and “Force close”, tap on the second.
  • Finally, click “OK” and the “Force close” icon will no longer be enabled, it means that you have closed it permanently.
  • This is very useful to free up RAM memory and save battery, likewise, it is recommended to do it when you are going to open a very heavy game or application.

The 10 actions you should and should not do to extend the life of your battery

  • Use vibration only for calls or alarms, not for notifications.
  • Activate battery saving mode when you have 30% or 20% power left.
  • Close the background applications that you do not use, as they continue to consume some of your smartphone’s resources.
  • Disable “Always on Display” mode to save more battery.
  • Do not expose your phone to very high temperatures.
  • Browse with dark mode enabled.
  • Turn on the automatic brightness function, so your cell phone will raise or lower the brightness when necessary.
  • Stop using “fast charge” on a daily basis, many charge the device to 100% in a few minutes, drain the power and charge it back to 100%, this way you will quickly consume the charge cycles.
  • Use original chargers and not replicas.
  • Do not charge equipment in vehicles or computers.

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