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Anemia: These are the natural juices to raise hemoglobin

Anemia: These are the natural juices to raise hemoglobin

The Mayo Clinic reports that There are several types of anemia and it can be temporary or prolonged and can range from mild to it is best that if you think you have anemia, see a doctor immediately.

According to the same health portal, among the symptoms that a person with anemia may present are:

– Fatigue.


-Pale or yellowish skin.

-Irregular heartbeat.

-Difficulty breathing.

-Dizziness or lightheadedness.

-Chest pain.

-Cold hands and feet.


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– The body does not produce enough red blood cells.

– Bleeding causes you to lose red blood cells faster than they can be replaced.

– The body destroys red blood cells.

In relation to the treatments that the doctor can formulate are the consumption of rich foods in iron, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and multivitamins.

(Read more: What foods and vitamins are used to combat fatigue?)

Ingredients and preparation:

Three pineapple slices.
1/2 cup of parsley.
1/2 cup of water.

Blend all the ingredients and drink immediately to prevent the vitamin C from oxidizing and the juice from losing its properties.

– A cup of orange juice.
– 1/2 cup spinach leaves.

Blend all the ingredients and drink immediately. According to the portal, this juice should not be taken more than twice a week.

Ingredients and preparation

– A cup of beets.
– A cup of orange juice.
– Six strawberries.
– Two tablespoons of pumpkin or ahuyama seeds.

Blend all the ingredients and drink immediately.

According to the World Health Organization -WHO-, anemia has become a serious public health problem around the world, which occurs mainly in children, women of childbearing age and pregnant womencalculating an affectation of 20% in children from six months to four years of age, 37% of pregnant women and 30% of women from 15 to 49 years.


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