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Ángel Di María tattooed the World Cup on one of his legs

Argentine striker Ángel Di María, scorer of one of the goals in the World Cup final against France, is in Santa Fe to spend the holidays with his family and took the opportunity to tattoo the World Cup on one of his legs.

“Starting with everything,” Di María posted in a story on his personal Instagram account while the tattoo artist Ezequiel Viapiano worked on the thigh of his right leg, with the drawing of the World Cup as the axis.

“We continue”, was the second part of the post that hours later provided more details about the tattoo that covers the entire thigh of the Juventus midfielder from Italy, who is enjoying a few days of vacation.

Finally, he uploaded a photo and a video with the finished work and the following message for the tattoo artist: “On the skin for all eternity. Thanks very much buddy. You had said it when we did the Copa America, the other leg was being saved for this moment. It was written”.

On the other hand, Di María, 34, who scored a goal in the final against France that ended 3-3 in extra time and was defined by penalties with an Argentine victory 4-2, had warned in advance that his cycle with the selected would end in the World Cup, but rumors grow about its continuity.

If materialized, “Fideo” would follow in the footsteps of captain Lionel Messi, who expressed his desire to continue playing to “enjoy” his first games as world champion.

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