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Ángel Di María’s wife responded to French Adil Rami

The wife of striker Ángel Di María, Jorgelina Cardoso, used her social networks to respond to the French defender Adil Rami, world champion in Russia 2018, who treated the current Juventus player as a “crybaby”.

Jorgelina found out about the statements of the footballer who currently plays for Troyes in France and uploaded a collage to Instagram with some of the statements of the aforementioned player and the following message in both Spanish and French: “Ángel can teach you to cry, to treat a woman like a gentleman and to score goals in finals. Happy new year genius!”.

Rami, 37, had recently uploaded a picture of Fideo crying with the following message: “Are you teaching me?”. This post occurred because Di María had defended his partner Emiliano Martínez, who was attacked by the aforementioned French footballer.

“Dibu is the best goalkeeper in the world, to cry elsewhere,” the former Real Madrid striker had commented on the statements of the defender who represented France on 36 occasions.

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