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Angoulême 2023: Fauve Jeunesse for Léonie Bischoff’s “La longue marche des dindes” comic strip

“You kicking me out, Miss Rogers?? » “I graduate you, Simon. It is not the same. » Missouri, summer 1860. After repeating several grades, Simon, 15 years old and two heads taller than all his classmates, is automatically graduated by his teacher, who kindly invites him to “spread its wings”. But what could he do, him, whom his family considers just good to “sow the m… the dung” ? It was on the way back home that he learned, from a turkey breeder whose herd was proliferating uncontrollably, that gallinaceae sold for 20 times more in Denver than at home. He then had the crazy idea of ​​buying 1,000 heads and transporting them over 1,000 km to Colorado. Accompanied by an improbable team, formed over the course of the trip, he will have to escape the thieves and the Indians, cross the desert and face the rockies.

“The Long March of the Turkeys”, by Kathleen Karr and Léonie Bischoff.

Beyond the very considerations ” down to earth “ (namely: how many turkeys will they finally arrive alive in Denver?), the novel by Kathleen Karr, adapted here by the talented Léonie Bischoff (previously noted for her “Anais Nin”, France Television Audience Award for the 2021 edition), reveals a western aimed at the youngest, much more sensitive and intelligent than most albums of the genre. “The Long Walk of the Turkeys” is indeed an excellent gateway to approach many themes.

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