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Annexes of major Swiss and Norwegian universities soon in Algeria? (MINISTRY)

Higher Education – As part of his desire to develop the Algerian university in order to raise it to the international level, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Kamel Baddari, received yesterday (April 24) and today ( April 25) the ambassadors of the Suisse and some Norway in Algiers, namely HE Pierre-Yves Fux and HE Therese Løken Gheziel.

During the Algerian Minister’s discussions with the representatives of his two countries, known for the excellence of the quality of their higher education system, it was in particular a question of twinning between Algerian universities and Swiss and Norwegian universities, as well as the opening in Algeria of annexes higher education institutions in both countries.

With the universities of Norway: hydrocarbons and marine sciences

The Minister of Higher Education, Kamel Badari, received, this Tuesday, April 25, 2023, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Algeria, Therese Løken Gheziel. The discussions between the two parties, indicates the communiqué of the MESRS, focused on the intensification of cooperation and exchanges between Algerian and Norwegian universities.

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In this context, Kamal Badari, affirmed the readiness of his department to intensify cooperation between the two countries through the twinning between Algerian and Norwegian universitiesespecially since Algeria has 115 universities and the sector’s strategy consists of “training students open to other cultures”.

Still according to the same source, the Algerian Minister of Higher Education also invited Therese Løken Gheziel to encourage Norwegian universities to open branches in Algeria… For her part, the Ambassador of Norway expressed her country’s desire to expand its cooperation with Algeria, particularly in the field of hydrocarbons and marine science.

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Regarding the cooperation between Algerian and Norwegian universitiesTherese Løken Gheziel underlined that Oslo is studying with great interest the agreement with a view to expanding the areas of scientific exchanges, concludes the press release from the MESRS.

With the universities of Switzerland: archeology and astronomy

The day before, Monday April 24, 2023, the Minister of Higher Education had also received the Swiss ambassador to Algiers, Pierre-Yves Fux. According to the press release from the MESRS, the two men discussed the intensification of cooperation and exchanges between Algerian universities and their Swiss counterparts.

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Thus, Kamal Badari affirmed his desire to intensify cooperation between the two countries through twinning between Algerian universities and major Swiss universities “in order to raise the level of mobility of teachers and students”. The minister also called on the Swiss ambassador to the opening of branches of major Swiss universities for scientific and technological training in Algeria.

For his part, Pierre-Yves Fux said he was ready to expand cooperation between Swiss universities and their Algerian counterparts through the signature of twinning agreements in several domains. These include in particular archeologygiven that Algeria has many sites classified as World Heritage by UNESCO, but also astronomybecause the climate of Algeria facilitates research in this field.

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It should be noted that since the War of Independence, Algeria and Switzerland have maintained fraternal relations, thanks in particular to the activity of the Jeanson Network. The latter was a group of French and Swiss militants who had supported the FLN during the Algerian war, “mainly by collecting and transporting funds and false papers”.

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