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Annimari Korte sees the end of her career and a new role – after the Olympic summer, she will pass on her knowledge to new talents: “Knows how to get to international level”

Hurdle runner Annimari Korte has set up a plan for the rest of her career. She is aiming for the 2024 Olympics, but then changes her role and becomes a coach. Hopefully I can change the lives of some young athletes, she says.

Short hedges have seen a revival in Finland in recent years thanks to Noralotta Neziri, Reetta Hurske and Annimari Korte.

The next generation is eventually knocking on the door, and among the challengers is Tanja Kokkonen. The HIFK runner is one of Finland’s most promising talents in the 100 meter hurdles.

– Tanja has run the same times as I did at that age. I think she has a lot of potential, Säger finska rekorddamen Annimari Korte till Yle Urheilu.

It is also under Korte’s watchful eyes that Kokkonen will take the step into the domestic elite and onto the biggest stages.

– I will start training Tanja next autumn. I was thinking of ending my career in 2024, says Korte.

But before Korte puts his shoes on the shelf, the goal is the Olympics in Paris.

– We’ll see how this summer turns out. I hope I can still run the record, but if that feeling doesn’t come, it doesn’t make sense to continue. However, the goal is to compete in 2024 and set good times, she says.

Korte plans to do two more seasons.

Photo: Tomi Natri / All Over Press

Aiming for a new record

This summer she wants to improve her four-year-old Finnish record of 12.72.

– I still believe in it. I’m in better shape than at this time last year. I think it will be a record, she says.

Korte ended his career in 2012 but made a comeback in 2017 and was then the best in the country. As Korte retires for the second time, she believes she has a lot to give as a coach.

– Hopefully I can change the lives of some young athletes. I didn’t run fast until I was 30. Then I found a trainer whose methods suited me. I don’t want my mentees to train exactly the same way I did. I know it doesn’t suit everyone.

– I think that for each athlete you have to look at how you train individually. It cannot be a large group where everyone does the same thing, she says.

Korte also has her fair share of setbacks and successes to share.

– When I stopped I ran times that were 13.5 and when I started again it went from 13.1 to 12.7. I wasn’t a super talented junior so I know how to get to an international level, she says.

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