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Announce salary increase for prosecutors

Announce salary increase for prosecutors

The Secretary of the Department of Justice, Domingo Emanuelli Hernández, announced this Friday that the Fiscal Control Board (JCF) authorized the law for a salary increase for prosecutors and personnel of the Department of Justice.

This increase, signed by Governor Pedro Pierluisi, is the first in 20 years.

“We developed an agile work plan to complete the payroll process and issue the retroactive payment as soon as possible,” Emanuelli Hernández explained in written statements.

“The prosecutors, prosecutors and registrars of the Department of Justice carry out commendable and complex work, and as such they must be remunerated,” he added.

Jessika Correa González, chief prosecutor, shared her satisfaction with this achievement. “As head of the prosecutors, I recognize the commitment and sacrifice of the components of the Public Ministry, who daily expose themselves to defend the rights of crime victims on the island.”

The retroactive legislation, signed by Governor Pierluisi in January, was due to take effect earlier this year. The approval comes after years of efforts by the Association of Prosecutors.

In addition, the Central Government Career Service Job Classification Plan and New Salary Structure was implemented with retroactive effect in February. This plan is intended to improve compensation structures and create a new salary structure, in an effort to establish fair compensation practices.

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