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Announcer Yunior Morales in a supermarket outside of Cuba: Oh my God!"

Announcer Yunior Morales in a supermarket outside of Cuba: Oh my God!"

The announcer Junior Moraleswho in recent days left the country, was shocked by his first visit to a supermarket, a recurring motive among those who leave Cuba.

Morales was shocked and his eyes almost bulged out at refrigerators full of trays of meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, sweets and all kinds of products for sale.

“Oh!”; “chicken!”; “Oh my God!”; “Ayayayy”; “This is a chive”; the charismatic announcer was commenting as he walked through the establishment carrying a bottle of Coca Cola.

“The base of everything,” he said jokingly as he tripped over some lemons and also joked about the origin of some tilapia that were for sale, even asking a shop assistant if they were Cuban.

“I will not drink the coca cola of oblivion, ever,” he clarified as he carried his soda through the entire establishment.

Although Yunior Morales did not initially specify his destination country, in the comments section on his recent videos, several Internet users agreed that he is in Mexico.

The dramatic scarcity experienced by Cubans residing on the island has made it frequent that, once they leave the country, in the list of unprecedented experiences of any recent emigrant, the moment they visit a supermarket for the first time occupies a special place.

Yunior Morales, who was censored in the Cuban official media since the end of 2020 for his public position, said in recent statements to the digital portal 14yMedio that after leaving the country he feels as if he had taken off old clothes, as if he had left the skin there, “like getting out of a prison”.

“When you manage to get on the plane, and you leave and arrive at another place, you say ‘noooo, I left.’ Notice that I had shortness of breath at home and here I no longer have shortness of breath. I feel much better, like I got rid of something very ugly, horrible,” said the person presented.

Questioned about when he made the decision to leave, the announcer specified that when his mother was left to die in a hospital, in August 2021, especially due to the lack of medical care.

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