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Another studio opened for Apex Legends: According to Respawn, the game could run for more than 15 years

Respawn have just opened a third studio to continue supporting Apex Legends. The battle royale has been very popular for years, which leads the developer to his good prognosis.

Respawn opens a third physical location

Across from Respawn talks about the future of Apex Legends and the opening of the third studio.

Ryan Burnett, who’s been hired as Studio Director for the new Wisconsin team, says, “If you look at other battle royale competitors, we’re best in class in terms of movement and gameplay. The other thing that we really doing well is that there is a deep story, lore and history with all the legends that we have.”

Sure, a bit of self-praise is also necessary. Burnett sees “nothing but opportunity and growth” in the franchise and was very excited about it.

Steven Ferreira, the game’s director, thinks the third studio is a good idea as it gives teams more room to experiment.

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“There are two types of key factors: one is of course the capacity and support in building our team structure, but the other is new perspectives and ideas. We are always looking for people with different experiences and different backgrounds,” he says.

“When the primarily Los Angeles-based team that created Apex needed to grow, we looked around Vancouver and we didn’t just hire a few people in Vancouver, we built a studio presence, and that was very successful for us,” said Ferreira. “This has been such an important growth vector for the franchise that we’re now aiming for that success again in Wisconsin.”

More on Apex Legends:

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Discontinued Titanfall game said to have been “a campaign for Apex Legends”.

A good prognosis for Apex Legends

The game director firmly believes in the game’s success and thinks that Apex is a franchise that “is going to be around for 10, 15 years or more.”

Due to the corona pandemic, Ferreira noticed that work became more productive when several teams from different locations worked together.

“Teams merged and we found that we were much more efficient and the quality of our output increased. That’s one of the things we’re striving for in Wisconsin,” said the game director.

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