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ANSES announced an increase in retirement as of June and a bonus for the coming months

As announced by the Government, since June, both the retirements such as pensions, the Universal Child Allowance (AUH) and other allowances paid by ANSES will receive an increase of 20.92%. In addition, they will deliver a bonus for the minimum earnings in three months, which will be $15,000 in June, $17,000 in July and $20,000 in August.

This will be the second increase of the year due to the mobility formula, which follows the evolution of tax collection and the behavior of wages. Thanks to this, from the middle of the year, the minimum will be $70,938. And in addition to the increase, in June, those who receive the retirements They will also benefit from the bonus, so those who are creditors of the payments after their retirement from work will receive a minimum of $121,407 pesos.

The minimum retirement will be $70,938 as of June.

In the same way, those who receive retirements or pensions for an amount of up to two minimum salaries will also receive a proportional reinforcement of up to $5,000, so that as of June they will receive $146,876 plus the Christmas bonus, according to what was reported by ANSES. “What the State is putting above the mobility formula is not spending, it is investment,” explained Sergio Massa, the current Minister of Economy of the Nation.

Retirees will receive bonuses in the months of June, July and August.

Before the ANSES announcement, the province of Buenos Aires confirmed a 30% increase in retirements

The current governor of the province of Buenos Aires made official the 30% increase in retirements and minimum pensions with retroactivity to last March, which will be for the beneficiaries of the Buenos Aires Social Welfare Institute. In addition, the politician reported the start-up of ten new offices to carry out procedures related to work retirement.

Kicillof announced a 30% increase in retirements in the province of Buenos Aires.

In the same way, but last Monday, Axel Kicillof had announced the launch of the “More Health, More Care” plan, which will seek to encourage and strengthen medical specialties in the provincial territory and assured that it is a project for ” contribute to continuous care and work so that the right to health is for all of society, since there is a State thinking about the future”.

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