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Anti-baldness pill approved: this is the amount of hair that promises to recover

Anti-baldness pill approved: this is the amount of hair that promises to recover

There is alopecia areatawhich according to the medical portal ‘Medline plus, it is a condition that causes round patches of hair loss and can lead to total baldness. This situation is observed in men, women and children, which affects their self-esteem and what others may think of them.

Alopecia affects children, men and women.

The success of the pill has been such that the Food and Drug Administration –FDA- has approved its use in patients from 12 years of age.

In clinical trials of the oral drug called ‘Ritlecitinib’, it managed to reverse the effects of baldness by 80% in 25% of patients, according to ‘El Español’.

The portal also records that in 2022 the FDA approved another drug, but that its formulation can only be made in adults.

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Yale University dermatologist Brittany Craiglow says treatment with the drug ‘Litfulo’ is “a particularly important treatment option in younger patients with substantial hair loss, Although patients can start to develop symptoms of alopecia areata at any age, most people start showing signs in their teens.twenty or thirty years “.

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In the sample, 23% of the treated patients showed that after six months of taking the pill, they had 80% hair recoveryHowever, patients who had been suffering from the condition for longer showed lesser results, so the study suggested that the drug is more effective in the early stages of alopecia.

Whenever you have an affectation of any kind, do not forget to consult your doctor and do not self-medicate.


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