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Antonio Gasalla was admitted for medical studies

For a few weeks the health of the actor Antonio Gasalla It is under discussion after family and friends told that the comedian has severe cognitive impairment and as a result, he suffered various robberies on his property by people who took advantage of the situation.

One of those who spoke on the subject was Marcelo Polinowhat in American breakfast He recounted: “He is going through a very delicate moment of health. There is an investigation that has been going on for a year or so, which the family is doing and I am collaborating to come to a good end and take care of Antonio’s estate because money and furniture have been stolen from him, people who took advantage of this situation ”, story.

However, today, from Intruders they showed how an ambulance went to look for the capocomico at his home, which at the request of a judge, took the actor to a clinic to carry out medical studies and check how his health is.

“It has to do with an order that the judge gave for a medical team to be present and to take him to a clinic to start carrying out all the studies corresponding to the request made by the family due to the cognitive problems he has.” told the panelist Pablo Layus for the América Tv cycle.

And he added: “All this is so that Antonio later has to be under the guardianship of his relatives. This was due to a judicial order, the judge arranged for the doctors to appear and begin to study his general condition and also because of the cognitive problem that the family says he has and for which they request this redress from justice to Be attended. These are the first steps to fix this situation, ”he assured.

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