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Appeal: City of Feldkirch is looking for amphibian helpers

City is looking for amphibious helpers.
© Markus Grabher

Thousands of frogs and toads will soon be making their way from their wintering spots in the forest to the spawning waters. For countless animals, this journey ends in death because they are run over while crossing roads.

That’s why we’ve been coming to Feldkirch for many years amphibious guidance systems at the Levner Weiher and at the hub street used in toasters. A new addition is to be added this year Guidance system at the Tostner Burgweg (St. Corneli). However, these guidance systems only work thanks to the active commitment of dedicated volunteers who collect the animals and carry them across the street.

So that as many animals as possible can be saved from death this year, people are still being sought who can imagine helping out at one of the three migration points during the amphibian migration.

information and contact

For general questions about amphibious assistance, the Environment/Energy/Climate Protection department of the city of Feldkirch (Tel.: 05522/304-1453 | @: at your disposal.
If you are interested in helping, the respective coordinators can be contacted directly:

  • Levner Weiher: Barbara Klien, Tel.: 0699/14121391
  • Tosters Hub: Fam. Hatzl, Tel.: 0664/4338525
  • Tostner Burgweg/St. Corneli: Information from the environmental office Grabher, Tel.: 05572/40745

Source: City of Feldkirch/Behrle

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