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Appeal in the George Floyd case: Ex-cop Chauvin is taking action against the verdict

In the case of the killing of African American George Floyd by white US police officer Derek Chauvin in May 2020, an appeal hearing will take place on Wednesday (9:30 a.m. local time; 4:30 p.m. CET).

Chauvin is appealing his 22-year, six-month sentence for second-degree murder in the Minnesota Circuit Court of Appeals.

The 46-year-old argues he was not given a fair trial because of the wide publicity the case attracted.

Floyd’s death in the city of Minneapolis, which was captured on cellphone video, had caused international outrage and sparked nationwide protests against racism and police violence in the United States.

Chauvin had kneed the black man arrested for an allegedly counterfeit $20 bill for around nine and a half minutes, although Floyd repeatedly complained that he could not breathe. (AFP)

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