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Apple and Google, unprecedented collaboration for security | mobile labs

I dispositivi di localizzazione permettono agli utenti di ritrovare oggetti personali come chiavi, borse, valigie e altro grazie a reti di ricerca collecttive. Tuttavia, possono essere usati per individual tracciare without consensus.

Manzana and Google have not presented conjointly A specific industrial proposal to help counteract the abuse of the Bluetooth location device by unauthorized tracciamento.

The specific one, the premium of its genera, will consent to the Bluetooth location device of this Compatibili con il rilevamento e gli avvisi di tracciamento non autorizzato su piattaforme iOS e Android. Samsung, Tile, Chipolo, eufy Security and Pebblebee have no espresso il loro sostegno alla bozza di specifica, che offerre buone pratiche e istruzioni per i produttori, nel caso in cui scelgano di integrare esta funzionalità nei loro prodotti.

Apple has released AirTag to help you know the peace of mind where you can find the most important oggetti“, has said Ron Huang, vice president of Apple Sensing and Connectivity. “We have built AirTag and the Find My network with a series of proactive functions to detect unwanted traffic – an absolute novelty in the industry – and we continue to provide miglioramenti to ensure that the technology is used as intended. This new setter specifies whether it is based on AirTag protection and, thanks to the collaboration with Google, it represents a fundamental step forward to help combat unwanted drag on your iOS and Android“.

Other than that, I will incorporate the feedback from the device manufacturers, sono presi in consideration and suggestions from various security groups and different from the directors in the specific direction.

The specific one is presented as bozza all’Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), un’organizzazione leader nello sviluppo di standard. You were interested so invite yourself and invite yourself to examine and comment next three months.

At the end of the comment period, Apple and Google have collaborated to respond to feedback and have completed a final implementation of the specific one for non-desired feedback. I enter the end of 2023 It will be supported in future versions of iOS and Android.

I Bluetooth tracker have created enormous advantages for gliders, but it also behaves indesiderately with the power of traction, which is rich in the action of the setter’s life for the risk.“, has said dave burke, Vice President of Google Engineering for Android. “Android has a constant commitment to the protection of devices and will continue to maintain solid safeguard measures and will collaborate with the industry to help combat the improper use of Bluetooth devices“.

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