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Apple faces trial for planned obsolescence

Apple has to defend itself in court against the accusation of using planned obsolescence in a special form. The procedure is based on complaints from the consumer protection organization Hop, which was picked up by the public prosecutor’s office.

Planned obsolescence generally describes a supposed strategy by manufacturers to intentionally design products to be short-lived in order to be able to sell more of them. That’s not what Apple is about though. Much more throw Consumer advocates accuse the company of deliberately building various locks into the hardware that allow independent repairs to affect the functionality of the devices.

According to Hop, iPhone serial numbers should be linked to those of the built-in components. If an unauthorized workshop now installs a spare part, it cannot connect it correctly to the rest of the system due to the lack of the right crypto key. So if you don’t want to pay the high prices for original spare parts installed in authorized workshops, you have to expect that an iPhone, for example, will no longer work properly.

Intervention by serial number

With his lawsuit, Hop now wants to ensure that Apple enables consumers to have their devices repaired as easily as possible and also by independent specialists. This applies in particular to the replacement of displays or batteries. Because this is seen as a prerequisite for extending the life cycle of the products and reducing the mountains of electronic waste.

There are similar advances in other regions, such as Apple’s home market, the United States. However, they do not resort to the French organization, but try to put pressure on the company with public relations. However, Hop has already successfully sued Apple in court – in this case it was about the power reduction with which Apple reacted to a weakening battery. Even if this ultimately extended the usability of the devices without replacing the battery, the consumer advocates saw the procedure as an unlawful override by the device owners.

  • Apple must defend itself in court against allegations of planned obsolescence.
  • Consumer advocates accuse Apple of blocking hardware.
  • Linking serial numbers and components makes repairs difficult.
  • Lawsuit wants to allow consumers to repair and extend life cycle.
  • Similar advances in the USA, but without legal proceedings.
  • Successful lawsuit for power reduction due to weak batteries.
  • Unlawful trespassing of device owners.

See also:

Smartphone, Apple, Iphone, battery, Apple iPhone, defective, iPhone 8, Apple iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPhone 8 Plus

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